Aryeh Green

Aryeh Green

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    Aryeh Green Aryeh Green

    Aryeh is the author of the book "My Israel Trail," about hiking the 600-mile Israel National Trail and the search for peace in the Middle East; Chief Strategy Officer at EnergiyaGlobal, an Israeli developer of renewable energy projects for Africa; director emeritus of MediaCentral, a Jerusalem-based project of HonestReporting providing support services to foreign journalists based in or visiting Israel. High-tech business consultant and executive; public diplomacy (‘hasbara’) spokesman; regional democracy activist; reserve briefing officer in IDF Spokesperson’s Unit.

    Aryeh grew up in San Francisco, and his family is a founding member of Temple Emanuel; he made Aliya in 1984. He has been a policy advisor to Natan Sharansky since the mid-1990s, including as a senior member of minister Sharansky’s staff in the prime minister’s office, where he was responsible for contacts with Arab democracy activists as well as for relations with ‘next generation’ Jewish leaders. He holds a BA in psychology from UC Berkeley, anMA in international relations from Hebrew University, and anMSc in business management from Boston/Ben Gurion Universities. Publications include articles for the Jewish Policy Center, Haaretz, The Jerusalem Post, Israel21C, Washington Jewish Week, SF Northern California Jewish Bulletin, Israel Insider and on .
    My Israel Trail.


    Topics include: Lessons for life learned on the Israel Trail; Reasserting the legitimacy ofIsrael and Zionism; Israel's challenges in the media; Re-awakening Zionism; Jewish identity of the Start-Up Nation; Jewish identity and Israel-Diaspora relations; current affairs.

    Located on the East Coast, but available for speaking enegagements throughout 2019. He will be in California in April 2019.

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