Palestinian terrorists in Gaza have fired over 1000 rockets at Israeli citizens

Palestinian terrorists fired over 1000 rockets

    In the past 48 hours (10-12/5) Palestinian terrorists in Gaza have fired over 1,000 rockets at Israeli citizens across Israel, including Tel Aviv's Ben Gurion International Airport. The rockets sent millions of Israelis to bomb shelters and are targeted to hit innocent Israeli civilians - Jews, Christians & Muslims. 5 Israeli citizens were killed, over 200 were injured, among them a 5 years old girl.


    This is essentially a double war crime: indiscriminately firing at a civilian population from within a civilian population.

    Rockets fired on Israeli civilians is not justified under any circumstances.

    We call on the international community to unequivocally condemn the Palestinians’ rocket fire and terrorist activities against Israeli civilians, to recognize Israel’s right to protect its citizens, and to work with the Palestinian Authority to immediately stop the incitement and violence.


    Israel will continue to take every measure to prevent conflict or violence, while protecting its citizens from Hamas terror organization brutal attacks.

    No country will allow rockets to be fired on its children, women, and men.


    Israel has the right to defend itself and will respond as needed to protect its citizens. This is the right and duty of every state.​

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