Updating your personal status at the Embassy

Updating your personal status at the Embassy

    For general information, please click here​
    An Israeli citizen is required to update his personal status at the embassy by law within 30 days.
    Notification of marriage:
    An Israeli citizen that gets married abroad, must arrive at the embassy in person in order to update his status. This is done by filling in a form notifying of status change, and requires arrival with the original unabridged marriage certificate with apostil stamp.
    If the spouse is not an Israeli citizen, you must also arrive with a copy of their passport.
    This service is done at no charge.
    To download the form, please click here
    Notification of Divorce:
    An Israeli citizen that gets a divorce abroad, the couple must arrive at the embassy in person. Both must sign the form notifying of the divorce and bring the divorce certificate with apostil stamp.
    If the spouse is not an Israeli citizen, you must also arrive with a copy of their national passport.
    This service is done at no charge.
    To download the form, please click here
    Notification of Death:
    A family member of the deceased must arrive personally at the embassy and update the embassy of the death. They must fill the correct form and present the original death certificate with apostil stamp.
    The service is done free of charge.
    To download the form, please click here​
    Notification of becoming a widow:
    An Israeli citizen that is widowed abroad, must arrive at the embassy in person in order to update his status. This is done by filling in a form notifying of status change, and requires arrival with the original death certificate with apostil stamp.
    This service is done at no charge.
    To download the form, please click here
    Name change in case of marriage, divorce or widowed:
    An Israeli citizen that got married, divorced or has been widowed, and wishes to choose a new last name, must arrive at the embassy in person in order to fill out a name change form and the Unabridged marriage certificate, divorce or death with apostil stamp. The document must be in English or in Hebrew, if not it must be translated by an official translator.
    You must come in person.
    This service is done free of charge.
    To download the form, please click here 
    Name change (first or last name, for reason not mentioned above)
    An Israeli citizen that wishes to change either a first or last name, must arrive at the embassy in person, with his current valid Israeli passport, in order to fill out a name change form in 2 copies. The form will be sent to the Ministry of Interior in Israel. When the name is updated in the system, you can also receive a passport carrying the new name.
    click here​​​ for the cost of this service.
    To download the form, please click here