Yom Haatzmaut Event, 27 May 2014

Yom Haatzmaut Event, 27 May 2014

    My good friend, Ambassador Rambushe,
    Ambassadors and colleagues from the diplomatic community and representatives of the South African government and civil society
    My South African Jewish and Israeli brothers and sisters,
    Friends of Israel,
    Hag atzmaut sameach everyone!
    Please join me in thanking the outstanding choir from King David Victory Park School. These children who sang our two anthems so beautifully are a wonderful human bridge that directly connect Israel and South Africa. I am so glad you are with us this afternoon.
    This year in South Africa is special as we mark 20 years of democracy and freedom. There are enough people with us this afternoon who were here and remember life here not so long ago to know that this achievement is not something to take for granted. And this weekend, for the fifth time, an inauguration took place after an impressive democratic election. So I wish to begin by congratulating President Zuma and his new government and wishing South Africa every success in the coming years.
    Israelis marked, earlier this month, our State’s 66th anniversary. And this, too, is not an achievement to be taken lightly. Israel was born only three years after the end of the Shoah, quickly offered a home for our brothers and sisters from the Middle East, Europe and Africa into our new state. Some of our guests, South African Mahal veterans, were there and played a key role in those initial efforts. We withstood years of threats and build a strong, confident and successfully diverse democracy that has made peace with two of our neighbors and strives to resolve our issues with all people in our region. Israel supports a two-state solution with the Palestinians and is committed to making difficult decisions in this regard. People around the world were moved by this past weekend’s visit of Pope Francis to Israel, the West Bank and Jordan and I am sure that you share my belief that the Holy Land and its diverse peoples can, and must find a way to share in peace this place that means so much to so many people.
    Ruth and Aiden and I have been in South Africa for nearly 10 months now and what has surprised us a bit is how much people – from all walks of life, from all faiths, all backgrounds are open and interested in partnerships between Israel and South Africa. And that is what we work on in this building behind me. Along with my partners here at the Embassy we are looking at topics such as water management, agriculture and food security, at innovation and cyber defense, at telecommunications and hi tech and at music and dance -- finding strands that bring our two countries together. We are proudly telling Israel’s story: on social media, in articles and one-on-one, about our successes and challenges and are interested in finding additional topics and partnerships that will resonate with South Africans and help people here and in Israel.
    And Israel is here in South Africa. I am glad that so many friends from Israel’s business community in South Africa are here today. Israelis help small scale farmers make a living and increase capacity in Mpumalonga and Limpopo. Bringing Israeli technology in telecommunications to strengthen SA’s connectivity. Working with tennis players and coaches from Soweto.
    And of course, there is lots more we can learn from and work on together. There are so many lessons in South Africa’s story – and it was such a blessing to be here last December to witness how South Africans and the world celebrated Madiba’s life and legacy – the Speaker of Israel’s Knesset was here to show our respect and I know a special memorial event is being planned for Israel in July. I feel so lucky to represent over 8 million Israelis of all faiths here to watch the next chapter of your history.
    So thank you all for being with us this afternoon. Toda raba to all my Embassy partners who did such a great job putting today’s event together. We have Middle Eastern food and drink, excellent Israeli music so please don’t rush back to the office. And please join me in raising a toast… To friendship and success to the President and the people of South Africa. L’chaim! 
