PM Netanyahu's statement to the media

PM Netanyahu's statement to the media

  • Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (archive). Photo: GPO/Amos Ben Gershom. 
    PM Netanyahu: This is a national emergency. We are in the midst of the coronavirus war. This is a war for the economy, for health and again – this is a war for life. The second wave of the coronavirus is hitting the entire world and it is also hitting us.


    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)

    Following is Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's statement to the media yesterday evening (Thursday, 24 September 200), at the Prime Minister's Office in Jerusalem:

    "Citizens of Israel, due to the sharp increase in coronavirus morbidity in Israel, we decided today on necessary measures to save lives. These lockdown measures are not easy but saving lives takes precedence over everything.

    “I will presently comment on the decisions that we made but before everything – I would like to say thank-you. Thank you to the doctors who are caring for patients while wearing protective suits on hot days, for unbelievably long shifts. Thank you to the nurses who have barely seen their children for long months. Thank you to the police officers, soldiers, hospital staff, MDA crews and all civilians who have been working together through one of the greatest crises that humanity has known in the past 100 years.

    “This is a national emergency. We are in the midst of a prolonged war – the coronavirus war. This is a war for the economy, for health and again – this is a war for life. The second wave of the coronavirus is hitting the entire world and it is also hitting us. In recent days, almost every western country has seen record morbidity numbers and they are imposing severe restrictions on their citizens. Some of these countries have also imposed lockdowns over very extensive areas, including some that are larger than the State of Israel.

    “We know that by us as well, the pandemic is expected to exact an additional very heavy price in human lives. I regret telling you this but it is the truth. And it is precisely at this time that I tell you: Only if we stand together, only if we fight together, only if we adhere to the rules together – only then will we defeat the pandemic, and we will defeat it. This is what we did in all of Israel's wars and this is what we did in the first wave of the coronavirus. We made an unequivocal early decision to close the borders of the country and the skies. We imposed a general lockdown that almost completely blocked the spread of the pandemic and we saved many lives.

    “Thanks to the correct decisions that we made, and I must also say thanks to the joint mobilization of the citizens of Israel at the forefront of the fight, Israel was an example to the world. Because we were among the first to impose a lockdown, we were also among the first that could open up the economy after the lockdown. We brought assistance plans for both citizens and businesses. We facilitated a coronavirus routine for months. As a result of this, the damage to our GDP is half that of European countries. Just yesterday by the way, the OECD commended our economic policies. Let us not forget the natural gas that we extracted from the sea. Let us not forget the historic peace agreements with the UAE and Bahrain. All of these will inject billions into our economy, and will greatly strengthen us in general and also during the coronavirus period.

    “But there is one simple rule that must be enunciated: When you open up the economy, morbidity increases. I regret that upon the lifting of the restrictions there was a gradual slackening in adhering to the instructions of the Health Ministry: Not wearing masks, not maintaining distance, and many dangerous gatherings. And to my regret, this was led by populist politicians, or as Prof. Barbash calls them, the 'everything is wonderful' chorus. They said 'The disease is not a disease', that one need not listen to the directives and that this is the caprice of one man – you know who it is. Even this evening I heard opposition leader Yair Lapid, in this time of national emergency when it is necessary for everyone to unite and have confidence in the decisions of the government – he gnaws away at this and thereby simply endangers the lives of the citizens of Israel. This is the same Yair Lapid who said 'There is no justification for the regulations coronavirus-wise' and a member of his party, Idan Roll, said 'There is no legitimacy in ordering a full lockdown and the public does not need to obey.' These same politicians watered down the decisions we brought before the Knesset, decisions that could save lives and which could have prevented the need for a closure. There is a limit to every prank, because we are talking here about human lives.

    “But I must say something else, there were genuine deliberations because some of the experts told us: It is possible to live without a lockdown with 2,000 new cases a day. It is also possible with 3,000 or 5,000 or 6,000 a day, without a lockdown. But ladies and gentlemen, we have already reached 7,000 new cases a day. The health system is groaning. The number of severe cases is taking off. To my regret, the number of deaths is also increasing; 59 people have died in the last 24 hours. This is a terrible price, first to the deceased and their families and to all of us as a people, as citizens of Israel.

    “I would also like to tell you something else. It is not only the dead or the severe cases. I just read a collection of many research studies from the US and they all point to something that is not yet final but which seems pretty solid: Around 20% of those who recover from the disease – including young people, ages 18 or 20, will suffer all their lives or for many long years, from chronic side effects including illnesses, disability, kidney damage, heart problems, neurological problems, maybe even cognitive problems. An entire generation, hundreds of thousands who were infected, will be scarred for life.

    “Against these things, I see people dancing, gathering and having meals at long, crowded tables, without masks. There is a limit. Wake up. Enough is enough. We are in a different reality. Something needs to be done and it must be done now. A tight lockdown, especially during the holidays, when the economic cost is much lower, there are five working days. Because at this rate of infection, if we do not do this, there will be no alternative to a prolonged tight lockdown; therefore, it is preferable to do it over the holiday period in which there are fewer working days and most of the economy is on vacation anyway.

    “Now, I would like to tell you another thing. Leadership needs to make the right decisions even if they are difficult, even in the face of the media, the cynics and the bla-bla. Tough decisions must be made. This morning, we in the Cabinet made the tough and correct decision by a large majority, I must say from left and right. The decision is a general lockdown from tomorrow afternoon and until after Simchat Torah . This means staying at home with one's nuclear family and going out only for distances of up to 1,000 meters. One can go to the supermarket or the pharmacy. It is possible to order take-out but all workplaces are closed, except for those that are essential. And of course, no gatherings. All of the details on these directives are on the IDF Home Front Command, Health Ministry and Finance Ministry websites.

    “After this lockdown, for the next two weeks, we hope to shift to a lighter two-week lockdown, but this depends on the level of morbidity. And this also depends, I tell you in all candor, on your cooperation, citizens of Israel. After these additional two weeks, again, it depends on the level of morbidity, we will proceed to the 'traffic light" plan.

    “Throughout this period, the economic safety net that we brought will assist all those who will be hurt by the crisis. Additionally, it is important for me to tell you that I am advancing two things: First, rapid coronavirus tests that give results within minutes and not hours. This will greatly help the economy and our daily routine. And above all, I am working on advancing a vaccine for the State of Israel. I can tell you what I could not tell you two or three months ago and which I was also warned not to tell you but today I say it clearly: There is light at the end of the tunnel because it is already clear to me that there will be a vaccine. I am working so that there will be a vaccine in Israel as quickly as possible. We do not yet know its effectiveness or how long it will last, but a vaccine for humanity is on the way and we need to see to it that the vaccine will be on its way to the State of Israel. It is difficult and will take time but it will come and it will get us out of this situation. This is the supreme goal that I am dedicated to in order to reach the end of this difficult period – and this end will come.

    “Citizens of Israel, we are facing a new year. In our tradition, these days between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur are called 'the Days of Awe.' But I hope and believe, that a message will come from them, a message of hope. On one condition, that we show personal responsibility and mutual guarantee. And this means wearing masks, maintaining distance and avoiding gatherings. I am certain that we are capable of this. The State of Israel expresses mighty forces. It has already withstood strong storms without giving in, without throwing up its hands. And I also tell you about the coronavirus: If we act correctly and work together – the storm will pass and we will yet emerge from it stronger.

    “A Happy New Year and gmar chatima tova to all of you, citizens of Israel."