PM Netanyahu and President Biden issue additional joint statement

PM Netanyahu and President Biden issue statement

  •   Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and US President Joe Biden issued additional joint statements at the start of their expanded meeting

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and US President Joe Biden issued additional joint statements at the start of their expanded meeting

  • GPO/Avi Ohayon

    Prime Minister Netanyahu to US President Biden: "The road to victory will be long and hard, but united in purpose and with a deep sense of justice and the unbreakable spirit of our soldiers and our people, Israel will prevail."

    US President Biden to Prime Minister Netanyahu: "The United States stands with you in defense of that freedom, in pursuit of that justice and in support of that peace. Today, tomorrow and always."

    Prime Minister Netanyahu:

    "Mr. President, you are meeting with our united war cabinet, united in resolve to lead Israel to victory.

    This will be a different kind of war because Hamas is a different kind of enemy. While Israel seeks to minimize civilian casualties, Hamas seeks to maximize civilian casualties. Hamas wants to kill as many Israelis as possible and has no regard whatsoever to Palestinian lives. Every day, they perpetrate a double war crime: targeting our civilians while hiding behind their civilians, embedding themselves in the civilian population and using them as human shields.

    We’ve seen the cost of this terrible double war crime against humanity that Hamas is perpetrating in the last 11 days. As Israel legitimately targets terrorists, civilians are unfortunately harmed. Hamas is responsible and should be held accountable for all civilian casualties.

    We saw the cost of this terrible war crime yesterday when a rocket fired by Palestinian terrorists misfired and landed on a Palestinian hospital. The entire world was rightfully outraged but this outrage should be directed not at Israel but at the terrorists.
    As we proceed in this war, Israel will do everything it can to keep civilians out of harm’s way. We’ve asked them and we will continue to ask them to move to safer areas.

    We will continue to work with you, Mr. President, to assure that the minimum requirements are met and we will continue to work together to get our hostages out.

    Mr. President, the road to victory will be long and hard, but united in purpose and with a deep sense of justice and the unbreakable spirit of our soldiers and our people, Israel will prevail.
    Thank you, Mr. President."

    US President Biden: 

    "Well, thank you, Mr. Prime Minister. In the wake of Hamas’ appalling terrorist assault, it was brutal, inhumane, almost beyond belief what they did, this cabinet came together standing strong, standing united.

    And I want you to know you are not alone. As I emphasized earlier, we will continue to have Israel’s back as you work to defend your people. We will continue to work with you and partners across the region to prevent more tragedy to innocent civilians.

    Seventy-five years ago, your founders declared that this nation would be one based on freedom, justice and peace. Based on freedom, justice and peace. The United States stands with you in defense of that freedom, in pursuit of that justice and in support of that peace. Today, tomorrow and always. We promise you."