Mrs Helen Sizalobuhle Dube Mashav experience

Mrs. Helen Sizalobuhle Dube Mashav experience


    Mrs. Helen Sizalobuhle Dube is a prominent and dynamic member of the Embassy's Shalom Club Committee. She is the founder of the Knowledge is your K.E.Y (KiYK) Academy. As a guest speaker at our Shalom Club reception last year, she motivated the alumni to unpack and use their 'MASHAV Kit' to share, connect, teach, empower and encourage others.
    This is what she had to say about her MASHAV experience.
    You can never imagine the amount of adrenalin released when I received the news from the Israeli Embassy that I had been selected to represent South Africa on the Political Empowerment of Women Program that was to take place in June 2018. My tickets were all set for early arrival in the land that I had always dreamt to one-day step on. Before I knew it I landed at the Ben Gurion Airport and was chauffeured to the town of Haifa to start my MASHAV journey.
    Arriving at the Carmel MASHAV Institute lifted my spirit and immediately on arrival I met new friends. Getting to know each country representative was fascinating and we thoroughly engaged in the tasks and dialogues presented.
    Surprisingly we discovered that we had two male participants in the Women Empowerment Program and soon realised that we need both genders to fight and advocate for women empowerment.
    Gender Equality discussions and the need for coaching and mentorship of women continued throughout the different presentations. Women in leadership and the challenges faced by them was illustrated through the presentation of case studies on diverse topics such as: gender roles, stereotypes, gaps in career and family units, inclusiveness, legislation, quotas, and so on.
    We got to know a bit of Israel through the various field activities. The visit to the Kibbutz was eye opening on communal living and the ability to live in harmony, unity and peace within communities. There is 'power in more than one'.
    We enjoyed the cultural celebration dinner where the participants wore beautiful regalia and unique dresses from different parts of the world.
    Thank you to MASHAV. Thank you to the Embassy of Israel . I am truly honoured to be part of this family.
