Israeli innovations continue to better lives

  •   Israeli innovations continue to better the lives of South Africans
    ​This past week, 58 specialised Israeli emergency medical kits were donated by the Embassy of Israel’s Chargè d’affaires Hila Rose Fridman in collaboration with MASHAV, Israel's Agency for International Development and Cooperation and the South African Zionist Federation Cape Council (SAZF CC) to the Western Cape Association for Persons with Disabilities. The kits were manufactured by an Israeli company that specializes in emergency and relief aid, Persys Medical and are considered gold standard in their field. The Deputy Ambassador to Israel spoke about the Hebrew term “Tikkun Olam” – “Repairing the world”, and how this value of helping those most in need is a cornerstone of the Israeli Embassy’s mission. In her address she stated “When the Cape Winelands District Municipality suggested we donate to the Association for Persons with Disabilities, it was as if all the pieces of this project suddenly fit together. Israel is a world leader in addressing projects that specifically focus on innovations that improve the lives of the physically disabled.

    The Project was facilitated by Chaya Singer, the Executive Director of the SAZF CC and Dr Ivan Meyer, Western Cape Minister of Agriculture, the Executive Mayor of the Cape Winelands District Municipality and Federal Chairperson of the Democratic Alliance. Cape Winelands District Municipality ‘s Mayor Ald (Dr) Elna von Schlicht, Municipal Manager, Henry Prins and Pietie Williams, Executive director for Community Development and Planning Services, were all in attendance and gave heart-warming speeches of support and appreciation for the partnership. Mayor Elna von Schlicht said “I hope it’s a lasting friendship in bringing services to our people”.

    SAZF CC Chaya Singer said, “We thank Minister Ivan Meyer and the Cape Winelands  District Municipality for facilitating this opportunity for the SAZF to meaningfully contribute. We look forward to further collaborations, and are confident that partnerships between South Africa and Israel in business and technology would assist in addressing our triple challenges of poverty, unemployment and inequality.


    For more details on the emergency aid kits please visit


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