Israel has been at the forefront of assisting the citizens of Ukraine

Israel at the forefront of assisting Ukraine

  •   Israel has been at the forefront of assisting the citizens of Ukraine

    So far, Israel has directed more than 100 tons of humanitarian aid to Ukraine, which has included medical supplies, water purification systems, winter coats, sleeping bags, and other items.

    So far, Israel has directed more than 100 tons of humanitarian aid to Ukraine, which has included medical supplies, water purification systems, winter coats, sleeping bags and other items. In addition, six giant electric generators were supplied by Israel to Lviv hospitals. 


    The Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI) has raised more than $19 million to support humanitarian and rescue operations in Ukraine border countries Poland, Moldova, Romania and Hungary. To add to that Israeli volunteers and emergency response teams in Romania, Hungary, Moldova, Poland & Slovakia are working 24/7 to help Ukrainian refugees. Through its Embassy in Romania Israel has managed to rescue ten Ukrainian children that are sick with cancer. The children have been flown to Israel to receive lifesaving treatment. Interior Minister Ayelet Shaked announced that the State of Israel will grant asylum to 25,000 citizens of Ukraine.


    Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs staff is currently stationed at Ukraine border crossings and provide aid and assistance to refugees with a focus on winter gear. Israel's Minister of Foreign Affairs, Mr. Yair Lapid, had visited the border crossings of Ukraine with Romania and Slovakia. The minister has stated "Israel condemns the Russian invasion of Ukraine, and calls for an end to the fighting. There is no justification for violating Ukraine's territorial integrity. And there is no justification for attacks on a civilian population."


    This week, Israel is set to establish a field hospital with 80 medical personnel inside war-torn Ukraine. The field hospital will include an emergency room, a maternity ward, a children’s ward, adult wards, an outpatient clinic and a telehealth center. Its going to be located near Lviv and it will operate in Ukraine itself. Aside from the field hospital, doctors and nurses from the Sheba Medical Center and Clalit HMO, medical personnel from Schneider Children’s Medical Center and Hadassah University Medical Center, are currently on the ground assisting the refugees.


    Israeli universities are also coming to the aid of their Ukrainian students and those affected by providing them with emotional support, financial aid and scholarships and accommodation in Israel. The Ben-Gurion University of the Negev has made its psychological services available for students affected by the war in Ukraine, and has invited students and researchers from Ukraine to spend a semester at the Israeli university, providing them with accommodation, a scholarship and assistance in obtaining a student visa.


    Israel is considered to be a trusted partner by all sides, and Israel's prime minister has been actively engaged in the diplomatic process.​ 

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