Israel and Germany welcome adoption by consensus of the U.N. Resolution on Holocaust Denial and Distortion

Israel and Germany welcome Resolution

  •   Israel and Germany welcome adoption by consensus of the U.N. Resolution on Holocaust Denial and Distortion
    (Communicated by the MFA Spokesperson)

    Minister of Foreign Affairs Yair Lapid and German Minister of Foreign Affairs Annalena Baerbock issued a joint statement welcoming the adoption by consensus of the U.N. Resolution on Holocaust Denial and Distortion:

    We welcome the adoption today (by consensus) of the U.N. Resolution on Holocaust Denial and Distortion. This initiative was brought forward jointly by Israel and Germany.

    We are extremely concerned by the dramatic increase in Holocaust denial, distortion and revisionism, as well as the phenomenon of comparisons of issues of political controversy and the Holocaust, which we have been witnessing recently. 

    Such comparisons are a distortion of history and an injustice to the men, women, and children whose rights have been robbed and who have been persecuted and murdered. These comparisons are an expression of antisemitism and are in direct contrast to the definition of antisemitism of the International Alliance for the Preservation of Holocaust Remembrance (IHRA) and the definition of Holocaust denial and distortion of Holocaust remembrance of this organization. They sow prejudice and hostility in a way that ultimately threatens the society in which we live.

    Promoting Holocaust remembrance and Holocaust remembrance education, as well as efforts to combat antisemitism, racism and xenophobia, are a priority for our governments and for both peoples.

    We have a duty to remember, study and challenge the increase in the phenomena of Holocaust revisionism, its denial and distortion, in both their online and offline configurations. This decision calls on U.N. member states, its agencies as well as private sector entities such as technology companies, to take active steps against the disturbing trend of Holocaust denial and distortion, to encourage education and research and to nurture the memory of the Holocaust.

    This decision is an important contribution and comes at the right time to oppose antisemitism, and for us constitutes a common moral duty.

    Today, January 20, 2022, we mark the 80th anniversary of the Wannsee Conference. This conference laid the groundwork for the systematic persecution and murder of Jews throughout Europe. 

    We have a duty to all victims and survivors, never to forget. We take responsibility for preserving and protecting the historical facts of the Holocaust that led to the annihilation of a third of the Jewish people, alongside members of other minorities.

    The Holocaust will forever serve as a warning sign for everyone against the danger inherent in hatred, intolerance, racism and prejudice.

    The adoption of this resolution by consensus today clearly proves that Holocaust denial is a matter for which the international community stands united in agreement. We are committed to preserving the memory of the victims and ensuring that the horrors of the past will never reoccur.