A night of bloodshed while Hamas terrorists fire rockets at innocent Israeli civilians

A night of bloodshed while Hamas terrorists fire

    Terrorist organizations in Gaza, led by Hamas, have started a wave of terrorism against Israel. Since Monday (10), over 1500 rockets have been launched at Israel, targeted to hit Israeli civilians, Israeli schools, and hospitals. Seven Israeli civilians were killed, including a 6 year old boy, and over 200 have been injured. More than 2 million civilians are running to shelters and currently under the threat of rocket fire.


    Hamas is a murderous terrorist organization that is responsible for the death and injury of thousands of Israeli and Palestinian civilians. The Hamas Charter is an anti-Semitic document that endorses the murder of Jews solely based on their religion. The organization has been designated as a terrorist organization by many countries in the world – including the US and the EU.


    These terrorist organizations are committing a double war crime: indiscriminately firing at civilian population centers in Israel from within a civilian population.


    Hamas situates its facilities in the heart of the civilian population, including within multi-story buildings that contain several military targets. Hamas uses the civilian population in Gaza as a human shield. These terrorists are stoking the same kind of Islamist extremism that the entire Middle East experienced under ISIS.


    Rockets fired on Israeli civilians are not justified under any circumstances.


    We call on the international community to unequivocally condemn the Palestinians’ rocket fire and terrorist activities against Israeli civilians, to recognize Israel’s right to protect its citizens, and to work with the Palestinian Authority to immediately stop the incitement and violence.



    Israel has the right to defend itself and will do its utmost to protect its citizens from Hamas' deliberate targeting of civilians while continuing to take every measure to prevent conflict or violence. It's the right and duty of every state.


    No country will allow rockets to be fired on its children, women, and men.​

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