Summary of editorials from the Hebrew press

Summary of editorials from the Hebrew press 3/29

    The Jerusalem Post reflects on the “big business” behind the plight of slaves in the modern era, on the backdrop of the upcoming Passover celebrations, and declares: “The mainly silent outcry of the world’s slaves should be heard at this year’s celebration of the world’s first call to remember slavery and value human freedom.” The editor adds: “The enslavement of Jews during biblical times and the Exodus are not merely a core narrative of the Jewish people, but a symbol of hope for all mankind,” and calls for the entire world to “join with the Jewish people in expressing the physical and spiritual hope of Passover.”
    Haaretz criticizes the prime minister’s apparent intent to yield to Shas leader Arye Dery’s demand to be appointed Minister of the Interior, the same ministry “where in the late 1980s he committed bribery, fraud and breach of trust, and for which he was convicted and served two years in prison.” The editor reminds his readers that during the elections Dery appointed himself the poor’s knight in shining armor, and asserts: “Let him take the social affairs portfolio and make good on his campaign promises to the poor. A black flag flies over his return to the Interior Ministry.”
    Yediot Aharonot believes that the election results indicate that Israel is currently divided into parts, the Israel of the periphery and the Israel of Tel Aviv. According to the author, because the split is based on each segment’s understanding of its Jewish identity, the only chance the Zionist Union has of gaining power is “along with their liberal values and the important value of acceptance of others, they adopt the values of Jewish heritage, are not ashamed of tradition and certainly do not despise it.”
    Yisrael Hayom discusses the current Shiite-Sunni battle, and states: “The centuries-old intra-Muslim hatred is not expected to die out in the near future, but at the same time does not prevent cooperation against a common enemy, particularly Israel.” Noting their limitless hatred for Jews, the author adds: “the mere fact that Sunnis and Shiites are killing one another throughout the Muslim world isn't enough. The State of Israel must be especially strong, follow developments closely and track planned attacks against Jews worldwide,” while working to condemn anti-Semitism in Muslim countries, as well as prevent the Muslim states from acquiring nuclear weapons.
    [Hanoch Daum and Ephraim Herrera wrote today's articles in Yediot Aharonot and Yisrael Hayom, respectively.]