Summary of editorials from the Hebrew press

Summary of editorials from the Hebrew press 3/8

    The Jerusalem Post scorns the first ever Turkish commemoration of the sinking of the Struma, a decrepit refugee ship bound for Palestine in 1942 that sought refuge in Istanbul Harbor but was mercilessly cast adrift in the Black Sea where it sank, taking at least 500 Jewish refugees to their deaths, and wonders what is behind this “pageant of ostensible solidarity.” The editor suspects that “rather than voicing genuine remorse, Turkey’s memorial was a cynical ploy designed to disguise other sentiments,” and concludes: “For Israelis, more than anything, the Struma powerfully illustrates what happens when Jews rely on others’ goodwill.”
    Haaretz calls on the Shin Bet to halt the torturing Palestinian detainees, and asserts: “The attorney general must instruct the Shin Bet to stop torturing suspects and to comply fully with the 1999 High Court ruling.”
    Yediot Aharonot believes that although we may disagree with an incumbent Prime Minister’s conduct and certain decisions he or she makes, “the Knesset would be wise to enact a law banning police investigations which bother the prime minister during his term.” The author adds: “Nothing will happen if a criminal investigation is postponed until the end of the prime ministerial term – excluding cases that demand urgent action and will be defined by the law,” and asserts: “The attorney general's decision to freeze the investigation against [PM] Netanyahu is a bad decision, because a partial and temporary exemption for a prime minister should be decided by the Knesset through legislation, not in an attorney general's decision that leaves a bad taste.”
    Yisrael Hayom notes that Iran is taking over Iraq, and with American sponsorship no less, and wonders: “Is anyone still surprised that Israeli officials are worried?” The author believes that Jerusalem’s main cause for concern is not just the emerging bad nuclear deal, but “Washington's expectation that Iran will do its dirty work for it against Islamic State in Syria and Iraq, and in Yemen as well.” The author states: “In essence, what is actually materializing before us is not a nuclear deal but a comprehensive agreement. At this rate a nuclear Iran will control Yemen, Iraq and Syria, with a foothold in Lebanon and Gaza,” and adds: “Meanwhile, back home, we're still discussing how wrong it is to offend U.S. President Barack Obama.”
    Globes comments on various events, such as PM Netanyahu’s Washington speech and the ongoing election campaign, that are overshadowing important economic news - both good and bad. The author states: “On the good side, the Israeli economy continues to power ahead,” but notes the negative contribution of “the ongoing crisis of offshore gas development,” which was triggered by the December decision by David Gilo, director of the Antitrust Authority, to renege on his agreement with the developers and demand that they relinquish control of either the Tamar or the Leviathan gas fields. The editor points out that as a result of that reversal, development of the Leviathan field has ceased and the government will not receive anticipated revenue expected to exceed NIS 3.2 billion in 2019. The author remains hopeful, however, that “whatever the makeup of the new government after the elections, it will turn its attention to correcting the gas situation in such a way so as to ensure that all the economic news is good.”
    [Ben-Dror Yemini, Boaz Bismuth and Norman Bailey wrote today's articles in Yediot Aharonot, Yisrael Hayom and Globes, respectively.]