Jerusalem est Charlie

Jerusalem est Charlie

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    Jerusalem est Charlie Jerusalem est Charlie copyright: Jackie Levy
    ​Communicated by the Jerusalem Municipality)

    One thousand people participated (Sunday, 11 January 2015) in a rally to show solidarity with the French people and the French Jewish community organized by the Jerusalem Municipality following the terrorist attacks in Paris last week. The rally at City Hall took place under the leadership of Mayor Nir Barkat, Chief Rabbi of Jerusalem Shlomo Amar, the Deputy Mayor of Jerusalem Meir Turgeman, former Chairman of the JPierre Besnainou, former Chairman of the Fonds Social Juif Unifié, and hundreds of members of the French community in Jerusalem, as well as many Jerusalem residents.

    At the rally, Mayor of Jerusalem Nir Barkat said, "The entire world understands today what we in Jerusalem and in Israel have been experiencing over decades - murderous terrorism motivated by a piercing hatred for our values." Barkat added that "this is an attack on all of us - the entire Jewish population, freedom of journalism and expression and on the values of freedom that the French democracy and the entire free world hold so dear - freedom, equality and brotherhood that are the basis of our values. This hatred, this call for death, will not stop the Jewish people." The Mayor called on everyone to strengthen the entire French population and especially to embrace those who have recently lost their loved ones, the Jewish community in France and those who have immigrated to Israel.

    "Brothers and sisters - the gates of Jerusalem are open to you. Zion and the entire Jewish world stands beside you. Nous sommes tous Juifs de France, we are all Charlie, we are all Jews of France." During a moment of silence out of respect for those murdered during in the terror attacks, the crowd waved flags bearing these slogans.

    The Jerusalem Municipality, under the directive of Mayor Barkat, will open a special situation room for new immigrants from France in order to assist them in their move to Jerusalem. At the entrance to City Hall, there is a special booth for immigrant absorption manned by French-speaking volunteers who will help the immigrants with all of their absorption needs.

    Today, the Municipality placed a large sign in Paris Square in the city-center bearing the words "Jerusalem est Charlie - Jerusalem embraces the French Jewish community.” A special place will be appropriated for the city's population to pay their respects, to place wreaths and light candles. In addition, the municipality will be hanging 1500 French, Israeli, and Jerusalem flags at the main junctions in the city.