Israel sends condolences after Paris terrorist attack

Israel sends condolences after Paris terrorist att

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    Israel-France solidarity Israel-France solidarity copyright: PMO
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu today made the following comments on today's terrorist attack in Paris:

    The people of Israel send their condolences to the people of France over the brutal acts of savagery in the heart of Paris today. The attacks of radical Islam know no boundaries - these are international attacks and the response has to be international. The terrorists want to destroy our freedoms and our civilization. And therefore, all the free countries and all the civilized societies have to band together to fight this scourge. And if we stand together and if we are not divided, then we can defeat this tyranny that seeks to extinguish all our freedoms.
    I wish once again to express the sympathy that all the citizens of Israel feel for the people of France and for the grieving families. We are experiencing these attacks time and again, we know the pain but we also know the resolution with which free societies can defeat terror - however dreadful, however threatening.

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu sent the following letter to French President François Hollande, in wake of the terrorist attack in Paris:

    "Please accept my most profound condolences following yesterday's savage terrorist attack in Paris.

    This attack on France is an attack on us all. Free peoples everywhere must unite to confront radical Islamist terrorism and to protect ourselves against this threat to our common civilization.

    The people of Israel stand with the people of France at this difficult time. Please convey our sympathies to the families of the victims and our best wishes for the full and speedy recovery of the injured."

    The following is the text of the letter sent by Israel's President Reuven Rivlin to President Hollande of France, following the terror attack today (Wednesday) in Paris.
    I was shocked and saddened to learn of the brutal terrorist attack at the offices of the Charlie Hebdo magazine in Paris. On behalf of the people of Israel I would like to offer our sincere condolences to the people of France and to its leaders.
    We all, throughout the free world, face the threat of terrorism and must stand united in the fight against those who seek to stifle free thought and continue to destroy the lives of so many. Sadly, I am no stranger to the horror and grief that follows such murderous attacks.
    We stand with France in its determination to safeguard freedom of speech and the freedom of the press, that are central pillars of any democracy.
    Please convey my deepest sympathy to the bereaved families and our wishes for a speedy recovery to all the injured.
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