Israel embassy provides emergency aid to Myanmar

 Israel embassy provides emergency aid to Myanmar

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    Ambassador Zonshine with flood victims in Myanmar Ambassador Zonshine with flood victims in Myanmar copyright: Embassy of Israel, Yangon
    (Communicated by the MFA Spokesperson)

    The Israeli Embassy in Myanmar, headed by Ambassador Daniel Zonshine, quickly mobilized to assist the victims of severe flooding which has recently devastated many areas in Myanmar. Many residents of the flooded villages have been evacuated to temporary camps.

    Ambassador Zonshine headed the Israel embassy's delegation to the hard-hit Thayarwaddy delta area, with a truck loaded with food, medicines, mosquito nets and hygiene packs. The project, which was implemented swiftly, was carried out in full coordination with the Myanmar Ministries of Health and Foreign Affairs, as well as with local authorities and representatives who met with the ambassador and his staff in the affected area.

    The embassy plans to continue the work of helping the flood victims, together with MASHAV - Israel's Agency for International Development Cooperation, including additional much needed resources, such as water purification tablets.

    Local residents received the Ambassador Zonshine and his team with open arms, and the Myanmar government conveyed its appreciation for the Israeli assistance.