  • Israel Experience

    • Special learning environment

      The unique Yad Hamoreh School in Jerusalem has a mixed population of regular pupils and severely to moderately autistic children.
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    • Ben Shemen biking trails

      Mountain bikers are welcome to try out the newly inaugurated bicycle trails -- Israel’s longest bike paths -- in the centrally located Ben Shemen Forest.
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    • Nalaga'at - Deaf-blind theater

      The Nalaga'at ("please touch") center for the deaf-blind, deaf and blind offers tourists and visitors to old Jaffa a unique and unforgettable experience.
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    • Lowest mountain bike race

      For the 17th year, cyclists from around the world came to Israel's Dead Sea for a two-day festival and competition.
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    • Greatest archeological finds

      Every day, the Israel Antiquities Authority has 30 active digs. In a country rich with history, exciting major discoveries are unearthed all the time
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    • Standalone streetlight

      An Israeli company has designed a solar-powered light fixture for developing countries that need light to grow
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    • Tel Aviv art marathon

      Art Year 2012 kicks off in March with festivities aimed at showing off young Israeli artists, and events will continue all year.
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    • David Broza

      Nearly 35 years after ‘Yihye Tov’ (‘It Will be Good’) launched his singing career, David Broza hasn’t slowed in his pursuit of peace and poetry.
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    • Boeing’s Tel Aviv Headquarters

      Annual architectural competition lauds an office described by its Israeli designer as ‘a cocktail of business class and cockpit.’
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    • Safed - Galilean city

      The mystical city in the Galilee mountains is a haven for artists and has several new tourist attractions to explore.
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