•   MAGAZINE.IL: A monthly e-magazine on innovation & culture
    ​MAGAZINE.IL presents innovation and technology and at the same time the beauty of nature and culture in Israel along with its 2000 years of history.

    September 2015
    Dear friends,
    It has been a rather good year for us here in the Consulate: a year in which we have witnessed a nice increase in business and traffic between Israel and Hong Kong.
    Please feel free to share with us your Israeli experience and your recommendations to strengthen the bilateral relations between Israel and Hong Kong.
    As we are going to celebrate Jewish New Year this coming Sunday I want to wish you all a successful year ahead and good health to you and your families.
    Shana Tova
    Sagi Karni
    Consul General of Israel
    Read the latest issue: 2015 September
    2015 February
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