security consultation in the wake of the terrorist attack in Kiryat Arba

Security consultation in wake of terrorist attack

  •   Terrorist attack in Kiryat Arba: 13 year old girl murdered in her bed
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    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Copyright: GPO/Haim Zach
    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Avigdor Liberman, today (Thursday 30 June 2016), held a security consultation in the wake of the terrorist attack in Kiryat Arba in which a thirteen-year-old girl was murdered in her bed. 
    Prime Minister Netanyahu:
    "The horrifying murder of a young girl in her bed underscores the bloodlust and inhumanity of the incitement-driven terrorists that we are facing.
    The entire nation deeply identifies with the family's pain and declares to the murderers: You will not break us.
    We will continue to take strong and determined action against terrorism everywhere and at all times.
    The entire world needs to condemn this murder just as it condemned the terrorist attacks in Orlando and Brussels.
    I expect the Palestinian leadership to clearly and unequivocally condemn this vicious murder and take immediate action to stop the incitement.
    Enlightened nations must join in this demand. They must pressure the one who heads the network of incitement that leads to the murder of children in their beds and not the State of Israel, which is working to protect its children and its citizens."