

  •   Introduction
    The goal of customs agencies in the 21 century is contradictory in nature; on the one hand to act as a barrier to illegal trade and on the other, to facilitate the legal and legitimate international trade.
    Since offenses in the field of international trade are mostly characterized by international cooperation between criminal elements, cooperation between customs agencies is required to prevent such illegal activities. This cooperation, in turn, helps simplify legal trade as well.
    The Israeli Customs Mission in Brussels is in charge of advancing, strengthening and broadening the cooperation between the Israeli Customs Agencies and the relevant international organizations operating in Europe and beyond – the World Customs Organization, the European Commission, the national customs agencies of Member States, and various economic, trade and law representatives.
    The Israeli Customs Mission strives to promote agreements regarding cooperation designed to prevent smuggling activities, tax evasions, illicit trafficking in drugs, money laundering, as well as to protect intellectual property rights. In addition, the Mission works with the World Customs Organization, the European Commission, the national customs agencies of member states on initiatives to simplify and streamline trade procedures.
  • Overview

    International Agreements in the European Zone
    The Israeli Tax Authority is actively engaged in discussions with tax and customs authorities abroad, based on existing international agreements (customs cooperation agreements and double taxation treaties). Israel has similar agreements with many countries around the world. Following is the list of countries in the European Zone with whom such agreements have been signed:
    Customs Cooperation Agreements:
    EFTA, EU, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Italy, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Moldova, the Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Slovenia, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Ukraine. (Signed and not yet ratified: Belgium, Georgia, Slovakia, Norway).
    Double Taxation Treaties
    Austria, Bulgaria, Belgium, Belarus, Check Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands,  Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey,  Ukraine, Uzbekistan  (Signed and not yet verified: Ethiopia, Latvia).