  • News and events

News and events

    The political dimension of the NATO Med Dialogue with Israel includes visits by NATO Senior Officials, including the Secretary General and the Deputy Secretary General, to Jerusalem and of Israeli officials to NATO to conduct high-level political consultations to improve the political and practical cooperation under the Mediterranean Dialogue.


    More visits are conducted within the framework of the practical cooperation's military program. These include port visits by NATO's Standing Naval Forces, on-site train-the-trainers sessions by mobile training teams, and expert visits to assess possibilities for future cooperation.​ 

    Ambassador of Israel, Aharon Leshno-Yaar, is the first Israeli Ambassador to present his credentials to the Secretary General of NATO. 
    Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg congratulated the incoming Ambassador and said he values the increased cooperation between Israel and NATO in recent years.


    President Rivlin invited the Secretary General to visit Israel and tour the border area in particular, to allow him to determine for himself the sensitive situation in which Hezbollah was rearming with Iranian support.


    I want to inform you that we're in the process of opening the office as soon as possible. We attach great importance to that. Israel has much to contribute to NATO. I believe NATO has much to contribute to Israel.


    Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Benjamin Netanyahu welcomed the NATO announcement and called it an important step in enhancing Israel’s security. He stated that the move demonstrates the desire to cooperate with Israel in the field of security.
    NATO Assistant Secretary General Stamatopoulos visits Israel - October 2015
    On 12-13 October 2015, the NATO Assistant Secretary General for Political Affairs and Security Policy Ambassador Thrasyvoulos Terry Stamatopoulos paid an official visit to Israel, in the framework of the Mediterranean Dialogue partnership. The focus was on political consultations and practical cooperation activities between NATO and Israel and current developments in the Mediterranean and in the Middle East within the annual NATO-Israel Strategic Dialogue Talks.

    Ambassador Sorin Ducaru, Assistant Secretary General of the Emerging Security Challenges Division, NATO attends Cyber Security Conference in Israel - June 2015

    For the second time Ambassador Sorin Ducaru attended the yearly conference at Tel Aviv University. It is the main event of the Cyber Week 2015. The conference is a unique cooperation that brings together leading cyber security experts, start-ups, entrepreneurs, investors, government and policy makers, business and industry seniors, defense officials and academics - making it a leading event in the international cyber industry attracting well-known keynote speakers.


    20th anniversary of the Mediterranean Dialogue in Amman, Jordan - December 2014

    HE Ambassador David Walzer and Counsellor on Political Affairs and NATO Gali Dagan attended the festivities of the 20th anniversary of the Mediterranean Dialogue in Amman.


    Conference on NATO-Israel cooperation in La Hulpe, Belgium - November 2014

    NATO Deputy Secretary General Alexander Vershbow: "Over the past two decades, active partners like Jordan and Israel have developed strong bilateral relations with NATO, and we very much welcome and encourage that. Israel was the first to conclude an Individual Cooperation Program with NATO back in 2008. And we are glad that other Mediterranean partners have also seen merit in focusing and structuring our cooperation in that way."

    NATO Deputy Secretary General Ambassador Alexander Vershbow  visits Israel - January 2014

    In the framework of Deputy Secretary General Ambassador Vershbow's official visit to Israel he spoke at the Institute of National Security Studies’ conference on missile defence. The visit to Israel also included talks with Israeli Defence Minister Moshe Ya’alon and senior officials at the Israeli Foreign Ministry to review areas of NATO-Israel cooperation.

    NATO News​ on the Mediterranean Dialogue 

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