Other Agreements


    ​Israel and the EU have signed a number of agreements to improve cooperation in a wide range of areas

    EMCDDA and IADA sign MOU on information sharing - February 2014

    Israel and the EU will share information on drugs more systematically in the future, thanks to a Memorandum of Understanding that was signed today in Jerusalem between the EU drugs agency (EMCDDA) and the Israel Anti-Drug Authority (IADA). The agreement was signed at the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs by EMCDDA Director Wolfgang Götz and IADA Director-General Yair Geller.

    Israel had submitted a formal request for cooperation with the EMCDDA in 2012. After being given green light by the EMCDDA Management Board in December of 2012, the agency started negotiations on the MoU with IADA.

    This accord, signed for an initial period of five years and sealing cooperation between the two bodies, is implemented through a joint work program to be updated every three years. The work program includes steps to enhance monitoring and knowledge base on the drugs situation and responses to it, particularly through harmonizing key indicators in the areas of supply and demand.

    Special attention will be given to the regular exchange of information on the use of new psychotropic substances, as well as the technologies employed in their production.

    The agreement provides for an exchange of technical expertise and knowledge between the two bodies, the co-sponsoring of technical meetings and the pooling of human and financial resources to launch joint programs.

    This cooperation takes place within the EMCDDA’s mandate for cooperation with third countries in consultation with its Management Board and the European Commission. The MoU is based on the 1995 Euro–Mediterranean Agreement and the 2005 EU–Israel Action Plan, the latter establishing the general framework of EU-Israel bilateral relations.


    Israel and the EU initial Horizon 2020 Agreement - December 18, 2013

    In the framework of Israel-EU R&D relations, Marcel Shaton, General Manager of ISERD and Laurent Bochereau, Head of Unit for International Cooperation DG RTD, initialed the agreement on Israel's participation in the EU's Research Framework Program Horizon 2020.
    Israel and the European Union issued a joint statement on November 26, 2013 stating, "The agreement will allow Israel's scientific community to benefit from one of the most important EU programmes and facilitate its further integration into the European space of research and innovation".
    Horizon 2020 (2014-2020) is the European Union's biggest Research and Innovation program with €80 billion in funding to which Israel will contribute one billion euros. During FP7 there were more than 9,000 Israeli Scientific interactions and Israel expects to increase this figure alongside an increase in SME activity. Israel has been participating in the European Union's Scientific Framework Program since 1996 (FP4) and is looking forward to contributing to Horizon 2020. 


    Israel signs Pan-Euromed Convention on Rules of Origin - October 10, 2013

    On Thursday, October 10, 2013, Israel's Ambassador to the European Union, HE Mr. David Walzer signed the Pan-Euromed Convention on Rules of Origin.

    This convention will eventually lead to the simplification of trade procedures and will allow for those involved to react quicker to changes in the global economy.

    According to the Council conclusions of March 26, 2012, the main objective of establishing said convention is to, "facilitate the application of identical rules of origin for the purpose of diagonal cumulation of origin of goods" traded in the area. 

    The convention is intended to "overcome the difficulties of management" due to the number of existing bilateral agreements. The conclusion of the convention will allow for the creation of a single legal instrument to replace the network of over 60 bilateral protocols on rules of origin in the pan-Euro-Med zone.

    Open Skies: Israel signs Euro-Mediterranean Aviation Agreement – June 2013

    In June 2013, Israel and the EU signed the Open Skies Aviation Agreement that allows Israeli carriers to operate flights to airports throughout the EU and EU airlines to do the same in Israel. The agreement will be fully implemented by 2018.

    The gradual opening of the market is expected to encourage a larger number of direct flights between Israel and destinations in Europe at lower prices. An increase in tourism in both directions is expected to create additional jobs and economic benefits. The gradual implementation of the agreement will give sufficient time for carriers on both sides to prepare for increased competition.

    The agreement covers aviation rules in areas such as aviation safety, environment, consumer protection, including passenger rights, air traffic management, economic regulation, competition issues and social aspects.

    A "horizontal" air transport agreement was already signed with Israel on 9 December 2008. This agreement brought all existing bilateral air service agreements between EU Member States and Israel in line with EU law.


    Israel signs agreement with European Space Agency - January 30, 2011

    (Communicated by the Ministry of Science and Technology)

    The Government of the State of Israel signed today (Sunday), 30 January 2011, an agreement with the European Space Agency (ESA) regarding space cooperation for peaceful purposes. Israel Space Agency Director-General Dr. Zvi Kaplan signed the agreement on behalf of the Israeli Government. European Space Agency Director-General Jean Jacque Dordain signed the agreement on behalf of the European Space Agency. The signing ceremony was held with Science and Technology Minister Prof. Daniel Herskowitz in attendance, and as part of the Sixth International Ilan Ramon Conference.

    This is the first agreement of its kind between Israel and the ESA, which within its framework, achieves and promotes projects of mutual interest in the fields of research and the peaceful use of outer space. The agreement facilitates the exchange of scientists, engineers and information, the holding of joint conferences and symposiums, and the promotion of communications and exchanges between research institutions and industries in related areas.

    Science and Technology Minister Prof. Hershkowitz noted that, "The agreement constitutes an international recognition of Israel's status as a space power." ISA Dir.-Gen. Dr. Kaplan said, "This is an additional step in joint research and development as a whole, and space research in particular, which is strengthening and intensifying with European countries. It shall permit the expansion of scientific and economic cooperation with this continent of significant countries."

    Among the agreed-upon areas for cooperation, the following disciplines are specifically noted:

    1.       Space Science: Especially astronomy, astrophysics, space engineering, and solar system exploration.

    2.       Space Technologies:  Especially space engineering, inclusive of micro and nano-satellites.

    3.       Earth Observation Applications: Especially monitoring of environmental contamination, meteorology and geodesy, and natural disaster management.

    4.       Telecommunications and development of services based on satellite navigation.

    5.       Microgravity research:  Especially material engineering, space biology, medicine usage.

    6.       Ground segment engineering and utilization

    By signing this agreement, Israel has joined the list of countries, with which the ESA is cooperating. This agreement is an addition to agreements that Israel has signed in the past few years with the French and Italian space agencies, and which constitute an additional important step in the strategic partnership between Israel and Europe.


    Israel signs Agreement on Conformity Assessment and Acceptance of Industrial Product (ACAA) – May 2010

    In May 2010, the agreement ACAA was signed in Brussels and came into force in January 2013. ACAA is a framework agreement allowing mutual recognition of standardization of industrial products between the appropriate authorities in the EU and Israel. The agreement is the result of the work of several years in front of the Commission. It is a framework agreement to which sector specific annexes will be attached.

    ACAA has the objective of promoting trade in goods between Israel and the European Union by facilitating market access. It is a bilateral agreement, and aims to benefit industry by providing easier access to conformity assessment by removing obstacles to trade and significantly lowering the cost of exports. The products covered by the agreement include medicinal products, active pharmaceutical ingredients, pharmaceutical excipients or mixtures thereof, for human or veterinary use.



  • Scientific Cooperation


    The EU and Israel have a long history of successful scientific and technological cooperation. The main program in which Israel participates is the EU Research and Technological Development Framework Program (FP). Since 1996, Israel has been the only non-European country associated to the Framework Programs (see Horizon 2020 above).

    The Joint Research Centre (JRC) 
    The European Commission's Joint Research Centre has a number of agreements with Israeli entities. These include agreements with Israeli companies working on subjects such as early warning systems in case of natural disasters. In 2012, a five year Memorandum of Understanding was signed with the Israel Ministry of Energy and Water Resources to deepen their scientific cooperation in the fields of energy, with a particular focus on clean energy, and water desalination.