Statements by PM Bennett and US Secretary of State Blinken

Statements by PM Bennett & US Secretary of State

  •   Statements by PM Bennett and US Secretary of State Blinken

    PM Bennett: The Middle East is changing for the better. We're cultivating old ties and building new bridges. We're working together to overcome the old forces of darkness and build a new future that is better, brighter and promising.



    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Foreign Media Adviser) 
    Following are the statements by Prime Minister Naftali Bennett and US Secretary of State Antony Blinken after their meeting today (Sunday, 27 March 2022):
    Prime Minister Bennett:

    "Secretary of State, Tony, it's a pleasure to have you here in Jerusalem. My friend, welcome. We had a very meaningful meeting. I think we learned a lot from one another. 
    “Today is a historic day. We're hosting the Negev summit here in Israel where the foreign ministers of Egypt, the UAE, Morocco and Bahrain will gather together with Israel and the United States in Sde Boker in southern Israel for this momentous occasion. 
    “I'd like to convey my thanks to you, Secretary of State Blinken and to Israel's foreign minister, my friend, Yair Lapid, for the important part you're playing in this summit.
    “The Middle East is changing and it's changing for the better. We're cultivating old ties and building new bridges. We're rejuvenating old peace and charging it with the new energy of the Abraham Accords. We're working together to overcome the old forces of darkness and build a new future that is better, brighter and promising.
    “I want to thank you, Mr. Secretary, for your personal commitment to the Abraham Accords and for your continued efforts to grow, nurture and further expand this important regional partnership. 
    “Israel's doors are as open as ever, as you've seen. 
    “In a turbulent world, Israel is a force for peace, prosperity, stability and for doing good. That's what we're about. To be strong here and do good. And unfortunately, there are other forces in the region that are still violent and destructive.
    “As I just shared with you in the meeting, we're concerned about the intention to delist the IRGC, the Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps. Their proxy, the Houthis, just this weekend carried out a horrific attack on Saudi Arabia. I hope the United States will hear the concerned voices from the region, Israel's and others, on this very important issue.
    “This week, at the end of the week, the holy month of Ramadan will begin. And our government is working very hard to improve the lives of the Palestinians in the West Bank and in Gaza. Just earlier today, my cabinet approved 20,000 workers from Gaza to be able to work in Israel. We're going to be investing almost 40 million shekel in improving the crossings between Israel and the Gaza Strip to allow smooth and dignified movement between Gaza and Israel. While we can't solve everything, we can improve the lives of people on ground and thanks to your help, this is happening.
    “As for the war in Ukraine, Israel stands firm with the people of Ukraine and is going to continue our effort to help reduce the suffering and end the bloodshed. We've already sent our top medical teams to set up the most advanced field hospital inside Ukraine, on the western side. I've been reported that they've already taken care and treated over 500 patients.
    “At this moment, at this very moment, doctors and nurses are risking their lives to save lives of those in need. I'm proud of what Israel is doing. And of course, we're doing what we can, when asked, to contribute to the efforts to end this war. We do this while maintaining close coordination with the United States and with our European partners. 
    “Tony, please send my gratitude to President Biden for his friendship and for keeping his promise regarding the Iron Dome, which saves lives. Israel greatly appreciates America's commitment to our security.
    “The alliance between the United States and Israel is as strong as ever. And though we may have our differences, as friends do, it remains unbreakable. Thank you and have a productive visit here in Israel." 
    Secretary of State Blinken:
    "We appreciate all efforts by allies and partners to stop the catastrophic suffering that Russia's aggression is causing for the people of Ukraine. And I have to say, we're also grateful for the Israeli government's efforts to provide humanitarian aid to Ukraine, including more than a hundred tons of food, medicine, generators and other vital supplies. And the field hospital. I had a chance earlier today, when I was with Foreign Minister Lapid, to actually connect directly with those who are running the field hospital. We did it virtually and it was very powerful to see that in action. This support is crucial as more and more Ukrainian men, women and child are being killed, maimed, displaced by Moscow's attacks. More are trapped in barbaric sieges where they are denied food, water, medicine and where people are starving to death. Fully half the children of Ukraine have been displaced by Russia's aggression. Half the children in the country. 
    “I also made clear the conviction that the United States has that Israelis and Palestinians deserve to enjoy equal measures of freedom, security, opportunity and dignity. And that's one of the principle reasons we support a negotiated two-state solution. The Prime Minister and his government have made important efforts to address some of the challenges facing Palestinians: increasing Israeli water sales to Gaza, granting permits now to 20,000 people from Gaza to work in Israel, legalizing the status of thousands of Palestinians in the West Bank. And we very much hope to see more efforts along these lines in the near term. We're also encouraged to see members of the Prime Minister's cabinet meeting with Palestinian leaders, including Defense Minister Gantz who I will see in a short while. 
    “Our administration is also rebuilding America's relationship with the Palestinian Authority and the Palestinian people, something I'll continue to do today in Ramallah with President Abbas, and in east Jerusalem with leaders of that community's vibrant and diverse civil society. We're increasing humanitarian assistance to the Palestinian people, totaling half a billion dollars since April of 2021. 
    “Today, we also discussed ways to foster a peaceful Passover, Ramadan and Easter across Israel, Gaza and the West Bank, particularly in Jerusalem, a city of such profound importance to Jews, to Christians, to Muslims. And that means working to prevent actions on all sides that could raise tensions, including settlement expansion, settler violence, incitement to violence, demolitions, payments to individuals convicted of terrorism, evictions of families from homes they've lived in for decades. It's a message that I'll be underscoring in all of my meetings on this trip. 
    “At the same time, we are increasing our efforts to foster partnerships between Palestinian and Israeli grassroots organizations, businesses, young people, other parts of society through a five-year 250-million-dollar Nita M. Lowey Middle East partnership for peace act. Right after this in fact, I'll have a chance to meet with one of the program's first grantees, a project that brings together groups in Gaza, the West Bank and Israel to tackle the interconnected problem of water scarcity. “Efforts like this will not only improve people's lives but build relationships that can help defuse tensions and violence and ultimately, lay a foundation for dialogue and for peace.
    “Finally, as the Prime Minister said, we discussed how we can continue to build on the significant progress of the Abraham Accords and normalization, including in the summit starting this evening in the Negev. The United States will continue, not only to support the work of those who have already normalized relations, but also to urge more governments to take this important step to the benefit of the people in their countries and far beyond. 
    “Mr. Prime Minister, your recent trilateral summit with President El-Sisi and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed, as well as President Herzog's visit to Turkey for meetings with President Erdogan and others, these are just the latest demonstrations of broader engagement that is made possible as normalization becomes the new normal throughout the region. And again I applaud Israel's leadership, its engagement, its diplomacy in building these agreements and making them real. 
    “So Mr. Prime Minister, thank you for hosting us today and again, for such a constructive, important exchange on everything we just talked about and more. And thank you for continuing to strengthen what is an enduring and powerful friendship between Israel and the United States. Thank you very much."