Situation assessment held regarding the situation in Ukraine

Situation assessment on the situation in Ukraine

  •   Situation assessment held regarding the situation in Ukraine

    FM Lapid instructed that MFA efforts should be concentrated on assisting Israeli citizens queuing at border crossings and on transferring humanitarian aid to Ukraine in accordance with the lists of equipment requested by the Ukrainians.

    (Communicated by the MFA Spokesperson)
    Minister of Foreign Affairs Yair Lapid held a situation assessment regarding Ukraine this morning (Sunday, 27 February 2022) at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Jerusalem. 
    FM Lapid instructed that MFA efforts should be concentrated on assisting Israeli citizens queuing at border crossings and on transferring humanitarian aid to Ukraine in accordance with the lists of equipment requested by the Ukrainians.
    According to MFA data, some 2,000 Israeli citizens have left Ukraine since the outbreak of hostilities last Thursday (24 February). During the situation assessment, it became apparent that the border crossings between Ukraine and Poland are very busy, and the MFA recommends that Israeli citizens wishing to leave Ukraine should do so using alternative crossings to Hungary, Romania, Slovakia and Moldova. 
    The staff and reinforcements of the Israeli Embassy in Ukraine will cross the border from Poland to help Israeli citizens to leave Ukraine.
    The MASHAV Division of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Israel’s Agency for International Development Cooperation) is handling preparations for the delivery of humanitarian aid to Ukraine later this week.