Simultaneous terror attacks - Every single day

Continuous terror attacks

  •   Wave of terror since September 2015
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    Continuous terror attacks since September 2015 Continuous terror attacks since September 2015 Copyright: PMO
    Below is a review of major terror attacks against Israeli civilians that have occurred since 13 September 2015. This is a partial list that does not include riots or many of the attacks that occur almost daily: rock throwing (4966), roadside/pipe bombs (152) and Molotov cocktails/grenades (1004) that have occurred since October 2015.
    Terror by numbers:
    Since 13 September 2015, 55 innocent people have been killed in terrorist attacks (including a Palestinian, two Americans, an Eritrean, and a British student), and 796 wounded (including uninvolved Palestinians).
    There have been: 182 stabbing attacks and 128 attempted stabbings; 160 shooting attacks; and 60 vehicular (ramming) attacks.
    In 2016, 12 vehicular ramming attacks and 100 stabbing attacks were thwarted by security forces.
    By the month:
    In June: 5 stabbings or attempted stabbings; 6 roadside bombs/grenades; 131 stone-throwing attacks, 27 Molotov cocktails; 4 shootings; no ramming attacks
    In May: 9 stabbings or attempted stabbings; 6 roadside bombs/grenades; 284 stone-throwing attacks, 63 Molotov cocktails; no shootings or ramming attacks
    In April: 7 stabbings or attempted stabbings; 5 shootings; 2 ramming attacks, 4 roadside bombs/grenades; 218 stone-throwing attacks, 40 Molotov cocktails
    In March: 10 stabbings or attempted stabbings; 3 shootings; 1 ramming attack, 2 roadside bombs/grenades; 243 stone-throwing attacks, 62 Molotov cocktails
    In February: 1 stabbing or attempted stabbing; 5 shootings; 1 ramming attack, 7 roadside bombs/grenades; 260 stone-throwing attacks, 53 Molotov cocktails
    In January 2017: 3 stabbings or attempted stabbings; 9 shootings; 2 ramming attack, 9 roadside bombs/grenades; 293 stone-throwing attacks, 44 Molotov cocktails
    In December 2016: 258 total attacks; 6 stabbings or attempted stabbings; 8 shootings; 1 ramming attacks, 5 roadside bombs/grenades; 199 stone-throwing attacks, 27 Molotov cocktails
    In November 2016: 424 total attacks (mostly stone-throwing): 5 stabbings or attempted stabbings; 2 shootings; 0 ramming attacks, 12 roadside bombs/grenades; 346 stone-throwing attacks, 41 Molotov cocktails
    In October 2016: 410 total attacks: 6 stabbings or attempted stabbings; 10 shootings; 1 ramming attack, 10 roadside bombs/grenades; 265 stone-throwing attacks, 71 Molotov cocktails
    In September 2016: 480 total attacks: 14 stabbings or attempted stabbings; 3 shootings; 1 ramming attack, 11 roadside bombs/grenades; 365 stone-throwing attacks, 63 Molotov cocktails
    In August 2016: 414 total attacks (the increase compared to July is mostly from stone throwing): 5 stabbing (including attempts), 3 shooting, 9 pipe/roadside bombs, 339 stone-throwing; 34 petrol bombs (Molotov cocktails)
    In July 2016: 316 terrorist attacks; 1 person murdered and 17 injured. There were 6 stabbings or attempted stabbings, 6 shooting attacks, 1 ramming attacks, 8 pipe/roadside bombs, 231 stone-throwing incidents, 51 petrol bombs. Several attacks occurred in Jerusalem; the rest in Judea and Samaria.
    In June 2016: 278 terrorist attacks; 5 people murdered and 32 injured. There were 5 stabbing attacks (including attempts), 5 shooting attacks, 2 ramming attacks, 6 pipe/roadside bombs, 201 stone-throwings, 52 petrol bombs.
    In May 2016, there were 264 terrorist attacks: 5 stabbings and 2 stabbing attempts, no shootings, 1 ramming attack, 186 stone-throwing attacks, and 38 petrol bombs, and 4 explosive device attacks. There were 28 cases of arson (some of them caused by petrol bombs) – 10.6% of the total attacks.
    April 2016: 203 terrorist attacks: 7 stabbings or stabbing attempts, 3 shootings, no ramming attacks, 136 stone-throwing attacks, and 37 petrol bombs
    March 2016: 240 total – 19 stabbings/attempted stabbings, 7 shootings, 3 rammings, 163 stone-throwing attacks, 35 petrol bombs
    February 2016: 337 total (28 stabbings/attempted stabbings, 11 shootings, 1 ramming, 8 stone attacks, 56 petrol bombs)
    January 2016: 396 total (28 stabbings/attempted stabbings, 15 shootings, 3 rammings, 274 stone attacks, 61 petrol bombs
    December 2015: 2015: 400 total (37 stabbings/attempted stabbings, 22 shootings, 14 rammings, 250 stone attacks, 62 petrol bombs
    November 2015: 272 total (44 stabbings/attempted stabbings, 18 shootings, 13 rammings, 153 stone attacks, 33 petrol bombs
    October 2015: 141 total (55 stabbings/attempted stabbings, 14 shootings, 8 rammings, 55 stone attacks, 6 petrol bombs
    Details of selected events:
    21st July
    Neve Tzuf-Halamish, western Binyamin region: On Friday night, three Israelis were murdered in their home as they sat at the Sabbath table. Yossi Salomon (70), his oldest daughter Chaya (46) and his son Elad (36) were stabbed to death; Yossi's wife, Tova, was stabbed in the back and, after undergoing surgery, is recovering in a Jerusalem hospital. Elad's wife managed to get their 5 small children to safety in an upstairs bedroom. The terrorist (19, from the nearby village Kaubar) was shot and wounded by a neighbor, an off-duty IDF soldier who rushed over when he heard screams.
    14th July
    Temple Mount, Jerusalem: Two Israeli Border Police officers on duty on the Temple Mount were shot and killed by terrorists: Three armed terrorists entered the compound early Friday morning. After being discovered by police officers, they tried to escape into a mosque. In the exchange of fire between the terrorists and police officers, Haiel Stawi (30) and Kamil Shnaan (22) were fatally wounded; a medic was lightly wounded; and the terrorists (all from Umm el-Fahm) were shot and killed. The Temple Mount was closed by police. The unusually severe response was due to the unusually severe nature of the attack – staging an armed attack on the grounds of a site holy to both Jews and Muslims.
    20th June
    near Adam, north of Jerusalem: Attempted stabbing attack. Soldiers shot and killed the assailant.
    17th June
    Old City, Jerusalem: A young woman (23), Hadas Malka was stabbed to death by a Palestinian terrorist. Malka was serving as an officer in the Border Police that maintains security at the Damascus Gate. The attacker was shot by Border Police at the site. This attack was apparently coordinated with the attack at:

    Zedekiah's Cave near Damascus Gate, Jerusalem: Two Palestinians shot at passersby. In the combined attacks, 3-4 people were wounded, including a Border Police officer. The attackers were shot. Police suspect that the three terrorists, all from villages in the West Bank, took advantage of the relaxed travel restrictions during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan to enter Israel.
    1st June
    Mevo Dotan, Samaria: A female terrorist stabbed a soldier, wounding him lightly. The attacker was shot and later died in hospital.
    20th May
    Qalandia checkpoint: A girl (14) from Jalazun camp was arrested as she tried to pass through the lane for vehicles. She was carrying a knife and claimed that her intention was to perpetrate an attack as revenge for the incident at Damascus Gate (see 7 May below).
    13th May
    Old City, Jerusalem: An Israeli police officer was wounded in a stabbing attack. The officer managed to shoot the assailant, a Jordanian man, 57, who had arrived in Israel on a tourist visa a few days earlier. [A Jordanian citizen was involved in a similar terrorist attack last September – see 16 September 2016, Damascus Gate.]
    9th/ 10th May
    Binyamin region: (9 May) In Pesagot, a fire caused by a Molotov cocktail was extinguished without damage or injuries. The next day (10 May) a fire caused by Molotov cocktails was extinguished by Israeli and Palestinian firefighters. In Kokhav Hashakher, fires caused by arson were extinguished without damage or injuries.
    7th May
    Damascus Gate, Jerusalem: A young Palestinian woman (16) tried to stab police officers and was shot. At least 10 Israelis have been wounded at or near Damascus Gate, and Hadar Cohen, a Border Police officer, was murdered in a stabbing attack there in February 2016.
    28th April
    Rachel's Tomb: At this holy site, an Israeli officer was lightly wounded by Palestinians throwing stones and Molotov cocktails.
    25th/26th April
    Nablus: Attempted stabbings perpetrated by a Palestinian (17) and the next day by his cousin (21). In both cases, the assailants were shot and wounded by security forces and no one else was injured.
    24th April
    Qalandia checkpoint: An Arab woman (41, from Duma near Nablus) stabbed a female guard at the checkpoint, wounding her lightly. The attacker, married and the mother of nine, told her investigators that she has been engaged in a lengthy conflict with her husband, who has threatened to divorce her. She decided to commit a terrorist attack so that the security forces would shoot her because – in her words – she was fed up with her life.
    23rd April
    Tel Aviv: Four Israelis were stabbed and lightly wounded. The assailant (18, from Nablus) was arrested.
    19th April
    Gush Etzion Junction: Car-ramming attack; an Israeli (70) was moderately injured. The assailant was shot and killed by security forces at the site.
    14th April
    Jerusalem: Stabbing attack – A British exchange student, Hannah Bladon (21), was stabbed and killed by an Arab passenger while traveling on the light rail. The assailant (57, from Ras el-Amud) was arrested. He has a history of mental illness.
    6th April
    Ofra, Route 60, Binyamin region: (Preliminary report) Car-ramming attack – Sgt. Elhai Teharlev (20, from Talmon, Binyamin region) killed, another soldier injured. The terrorist, from Silwad, was arrested.
    1st April
    Old City, Jerusalem: On the afternoon of the Sabbath, a Palestinian (17) stabbed 2 Jewish pedestrians, wounding them lightly, and fled. Border police officers gave chase. The terrorist stabbed one of them.
    13th March
    Old City, Jerusalem: Today, Shushan Purim, 25, a terrorist entered the guard post at the Lions' Gate and attacked two border police officers with a knife, wounding them moderately. This is the 9th terrorist from Jabel Muqaber, an Arab neighborhood in Jerusalem, caught committing a terrorist attack since the current wave of attacks began in October 2015; more have been arrested as suspects.
    2nd February
    Adam, Binyamin region: Car-ramming attack –Two police officers and a civilian security guard were wounded when a Palestinian woman drove her vehicle into a police car and a guard post outside the Adam community north of Jerusalem. The assailant confessed that the attack was deliberate (according to Times of Israel).
    27th January
    Near Nili, Binyamin region: Shooting at an Israeli car; the car was damaged but no one was hurt. The next night, two suspects were arrested.
    25th January
    Cochav Yakov, Binyamin region: Attempted ramming attack against people waiting at a bus stop was thwarted by metal posts placed around the bus stop to prevent just such attacks. The driver (18, from Qalandia), who was holding a knife but did not exit the car, was the cousin of the terrorist who murdered Shlomit Kriegman exactly one year ago today.
    Aboud, Binyamin region: Drive-by shooting at soldiers near the Arab village of Aboud.
    18th January
    Jerusalem:  Police units arrived in Umm al-Hiran in southern Israel early this morning in order to secure the area during police operations. As the units arrived in the area, a vehicle driven by a terrorist from the Islamic movement attempted to strike a number of officers and carry out an attack. As a result, a number of police officers were injured at the scene and police officer Erez Levi, age 34, was killed in the attack.
    The terrorist belongs to the Islamic movement in the south; the police is looking into whether the terrorist was influenced by Isis. The terrorist was involved in education and had a negative and dangerous influence.
    8th January
    Jerusalem: A truck driven by a terrorist left the road, accelerated and ran over a group of young people who had just gotten off of a bus at the Armon Hanatziv promenade in Jerusalem. The attack occurred shortly after 1 pm. Four young people (3 women and one man in their 20s) were killed and over 11 injured. Soldiers in the group shot and killed the driver (28, from the nearby Jabel Mukaber neighborhood) as he turned around and backed up to run over the victims again. Lieutenant Yael Yekutiel, 20, of Givatayim; Cadet Shir Hajaj, 22, of Maaleh Adumim; Cadet Shira Tzur, 20, from Haifa; and Cadet Erez Orbach, 20, from Alon Shvut were laid to rest on January 9.
    25th December
    Beit El, Benjamin region: Terrorists fired shots from a vehicle and fled towards Ramallah.
    24th December
    Old City, Jerusalem: Security forces thwarted a stabbing attack by an Arab woman (35) from eastern Jerusalem.

    Ofarim, Benjamin region: Six Molotov cocktails were thrown at cars.
    23rd December
    Efrat, Gush Etzion: A man (50) was stabbed and suffered light to moderate injuries.
    Balata camp, Nablus: a soldier was shot and wounded in the leg.
    14th December
    Old City, Jerusalem: A resident of the West Bank who was in Israel without a permit stabbed 2 border police officers and a 13-year-old boy, wounding them mildly. One of the officers shot and killed the assailant.
    13th December
    Qalandia checkpoint: A car headed rapidly towards security forces and was stopped. The female driver exited the car and approached the forces with a knife in her hand, calling “Allahu akbar”. The assailant (30’s, from eastern Jerusalem) was arrested.
    8th December
    Tapuah Junction, Samaria: A young man (18) who aroused the suspicion of Border Police officers did not heed their calls to stop. Then he tried to attack them with a knife.
    26th November
    Shuafat, Jerusalem: A Molotov cocktail was thrown at police officers.
    25th November
    Shuafat, Jerusalem: During a routine check of a minibus, a youth (16) pulled a knife and tried to stab an officer.
    23rd November
    Hizma (a checkpoint and an Arab town of the same name, at the northern entrance to Jerusalem): Five Molotov cocktails were thrown at a bus.
    14th November
    Rachel’s Tomb: Arabs threw stones and a pipe bomb at forces.
    3rd November
    Ofra base, Benjamin region: Shots were fired from a passing car; one soldier was lightly wounded.

    Ofra, Benjamin region: A terrorist tried to stab soldiers stationed at a roadside bus stop to provide security.
    31st October
    Focus checkpoint, Beit El: Three IDF soldiers were wounded in a shooting attack, two seriously. The assailant was a member of PA security forces. Hints of the shooter’s plans were found in his Facebook posts.
    30th October
    Beit Ummar, near Hebron: Ramming attack by terrorist (23, from Beit Ummar) injured three Border Police officers, one moderately and the other two lightly.
    29th October
    Ofra, Benjamin region: A Palestinian attempted to run over soldiers, exited his car and tried to stab them.
    26th October
    Migdal Oz, Gush Etzion: Two young Palestinians (8 years old) carrying knives were apprehended and admitted to having been sent to perpetrate a terrorist attack.
    19th October
    Tapuah junction: A female Palestinian (19) acting suspiciously refused to halt when Border Police officers called to her and fired warning shots in the air. She then drew a knife and attempted to stab the officers.


    9th October

    Jerusalem: Two murdered in a triple shooting attack from a moving car – Yosef Kirma (29), a police officer and a bystander, Levana Melihi (60). The attacker shot at people waiting at a light rail stop in northern Jerusalem, seriously wounding a woman. Continuing the moving attack, he shot and wounded a woman inside her car. Near Sheikh Jarrah he stopped his car and shot at police officers pursuing on motorcycles, wounding Kirma and another officer. The injured were taken to hospital, where Kirma and Melihi died shortly thereafter. Twelve others were treated; three remain in hospital (Monday morning, 10 October), in light-to-moderate condition. The terrorist, who had Hamas connections, had been repeatedly arrested for security offenses, and had posted hate speech against Jews and against Israel on his Facebook page. Kirma, an officer in the elite tactical response unit Yasam, is survived by his wife to whom he got married just five months ago, parents and two brothers. Melihi, a retired Knesset employee, left three children and six grandchildren.

    30th September

    Qalandia crossing: Stabbing attack by a 28 year old terrorist. One of the security forces was moderately to seriously injured.​

    20th September
    Bani Naim (near Kiryat Arba industrial zone): Palestinian (16) tried to stab a soldier.
    Two soldiers were injured by petrol bombs thrown by Palestinians in Dahaisha refugee camp near Bethlehem.
    19th September
    Hebron: A Palestinian who tried to stab a soldier was arrested without injury and detained for questioning.
    Hebron: Two Palestinians (17-20) attempted to stab soldiers at a Border Police roadblock.
    Flower Gate, Jerusalem: Two police officers were stabbed by a terrorist (20s) resident of eastern Jerusalem. One officer (45) was moderately wounded. The other officer (female, 38) was critically wounded in the neck and is in intensive care.
    18th September
    Efrat: A terrorist stabbed an officer (30) who was moderately-to-seriously wounded. The terrorist was shot and moderately wounded. Both the wounded were taken to Hadassa Ein Karen Medical Center in Jerusalem.
    Itamar (Samaria): Female Palestinian aroused suspicion and was arrested. She was armed with a knife admitted to planning an attack.
    17th September
    Hebron: On the Sabbath, during a routine check, a terrorist stabbed and lightly wounded a soldier.
    16th September
    Hebron: Soldier stabbed.

    Kiryat Arba: Car ramming attack at entrance to town. Two Israeli teens were lightly injured.

    Damascus Gate, Jerusalem: A Jordanian citizen (28) attacked Israel Police officers with a knife.
    5st September
    Old City, Jerusalem: A female Palestinian (24) aroused the susicions of the security forces and was arrested. A knife was found in her bag. She stated that she had planned to attack police officers. She had been indicted 3 previous times for similar actions near Hebron.
    31st August
    Joseph’s Tomb, Nablus: A soldier guarding Jewish worshippers at Joseph’s Tomb was shot by fire coming from Balata refugee camp.
    24th August
    Gilad, Samaria: A soldier was stabbed and lightly wounded while chasing a Palestinian stone-thrower.
    18th August
    Jerusalem: Israeli riding in a bus was lightly injured by a stone thrown at the bus.
    14th August
    Shaked, Samaria: A female Palestinian got out of her car and stabbed a female soldier, lightly wounding her.
    11th August
    Jerusalem: A young Jew, about 18, was stabbed and wounded moderately while visiting the Mount of Olives cemetery.
    31st July
    Hawara, Samaria: A terrorist got out of his car at the checkpoint and attempted to stab soldiers.
    26th July
    Kalandiya: A female Palestinian (18) who ran at soldiers at the checkpoint and refused orders to halt was shot in the legs and wounded. A knife was found in her bag.
    18th July
    Route 60, Gush Etzion-Hebron highway: A Palestinian terrorist stabbed two soldiers, wounding them lightly.
    17th July
    Jerusalem: A Palestinian standing by a light rail stop in the center of town aroused the suspicions of a security guard, who found several pipe bombs and knives in the Palestinian’s bag. The guard detained the Palestinian and called the police, who cleared the area of civilians and neutralized the bombs.
    9th July
    Tekoa junction (on the Tekoa-Efrat road): Shooting attack on an Israeli car. An Israeli man (30) was moderately wounded. His wife and five children who were in the car were not hurt.
    5th July
    Near Ariel: A Palestinian woman (17) tried to stab two soldiers.
    1st July
    Route 60, Gush Etzion: Michael “Miki” Mark (48) was killed and his wife seriously wounded in a drive-by shooting in which the car ran off the road and turned over. Two of their children (13 & 15) who were in the car (out of 10 children) were moderately injured.

    Cave of the Patriarchs, Hebron: A Palestinian woman (in her 20s, from Bani Naim village) tried to stab a female Border Police officer during a security check.
    30th June
    Netanya: Two Israelis were wounded in a stabbing attack near the market by a terrorist (40, from Tulkarm).
    Kiryat Arba:
    Hallel Yaffa Ariel (13) was stabbed to death in her bed by a Palestinian (17) from a nearby village. A civilian guard (31) responding to the attack also suffered multiple stab wounds.
    28th June
    Temple Mount: Rioting by young masked Muslims continued, despite the government decision to forbid non-Muslims from visiting the Temple Mount. A woman (73) praying at the Western Wall (below the Temple Mount) was injured by a stone.
    27th June
    Temple Mount: Riots again took place, by Arabs who congregated overnight in Al-Aqsa mosque and prepared rocks and fireworks and other objects to throw at security forces in the morning. The rioting continued after the non-Muslim visitors were removed from the Mount.
    26th June
    Aboud bypass road, Benjamin region: A Molotov cocktail was thrown at an Israeli car. The woman driver was not hurt but damage was caused to the car.
    Temple Mount: Masked Arabs threw stones at police officers who were on the Temple Mount to ensure that visits to the holy site during the Ramadan fast would be able to take place as usual. One Israeli police officer and two Waqf guards were lightly injured.
    Update on 10 May bomb attack near Hizme: The ISA, assisted by the IDF, arrested the terrorist (a dentist, 36, from Abu Dis) who carried out the bomb attack in which an IDF officer was severely wounded.  Other people connected to the terrorist and involved in the attack in some way were also detained. Fifty-six small pipe bombs and other bombs were seized.
    24th June
    Near Kiryat Arba: A female Palestinian driver rammed into a car at a hitch-hiking stop, lightly injuring two Israelis.
    21st June
    Route 443: between Jerusalem and Modiin: Last night, Palestinians threw stones at cars traveling on Route 443, a major artery between Jerusalem and the center of the country. One terrorist was killed, one injured and several arrested by security forces.
    19th June
    Benjamin region, north of Jerusalem: A boy was lightly injured by a stone thrown in the Shaar Benyamin commercial/industrial center.
    18th June
    Psagot, Benjamin region (Samaria): Petrol bombs (reportedly over 20) were thrown at the settlement.
    17th June
    Jerusalem:  Four petrol bombs were thrown at a house on Meir Nakar Street from the direction ofJabel Mukaber. Slight damage to the house.
    8th June
    Tel Aviv: Serious shooting attack in which 4 were murdered and more wounded (17, according to some reports), many with moderate-to-serious wounds. Two Palestinian men dressed in suits and ties, who were sitting at the popular café Max Brenner near the Sarona Market complex, suddenly stood up, pulled out machine guns and started shooting. The attackers, two cousins from Yatta in the West Bank, were arrested by police who quickly arrived at the scene. One, who refused to give himself up, was shot and wounded by a security guard; he is currently hospitalized together with his wounded victims.
    6th June
    Route 465, Benjamin region (Samaria): Shooting attack – a lone terrorist shone a flashlight on cars coming around a sharp curve in the road, and shot at them. No one was injured.
    5th June
    Road 437 approaching Jerusalem: Massive stone-throwing at a bus resulted in light injury to the driver and damage to the bus.
    2nd June
    Joseph’s Tomb, Nablus: Two assailants threw Molotov cocktails at Jewish worshippers.

    Near Einav community: A female Arab tried to stab a soldier.
    1st June
    Maccabim, Route 443: A driver whose car was stoned lost control and hit a guardrail. The driver was lightly injured.
    30th May
    Tel Aviv: An Arab from Salfit (17) stabbed a soldier with a screwdriver.
    24th May
    Jerusalem: Arabs threw rocks at a city bus, smashing the windshield. No one on the bus was physically injured.
    23rd May
    Checkpoint north of Jerusalem: Female Arab terrorist (17) attempted to stab Border Guard police officers.
    22nd May
    Hawara, Samaria: Molotov cocktail thrown at a bus passing through the village. The back end of the bus caught fire; no injuries reported.

    Highway 443, between Jerusalem and Modiin: Stones were thrown at a bus, causing damage but no bodily injuries to passengers.
    21st May
    Gush Etzion: Shots were fired at a passenger bus, with no injuries. The bus sustained damage.
    19th May
    Shuafat, Jerusalem: a young Arab (16) acting in a suspicious manner was arrested in possession of a knife and admitted his intention to carry out a stabbing attack.
    10th May
    Hizma, near Jerusalem: An IDF officer was seriously wounded and a soldier lightly wounded by pipe bombs that exploded while forces were on patrol in the area just north of Jerusalem. The forces found 5 more pipe bombs and estimate that a large terrorist attack was foiled.

    Jerusalem: Two women (82 and 86) were moderately injured in a stabbing attack on the Armon Hanatziv promenade. A group of elderly women were going for a walk when they were attacked by two young masked Arabs, who fled the scene.
    3rd May
    Near Dolev, northwest of Jerusalem: Three IDF soldiers were injured, one critically, in a ramming attack in the Benyamin region.
    2nd May
    Old City, Jerusalem: A man (60) was stabbed and is in moderate condition. The attacker fled and was later apprehended.

    Update on the 19 April bus bombing in Jerusalem (see below): One of the victims, Eden Levy (16), who suffered severe burns all over her body, and has been kept sedated in the hospital since the attack, regained consciousness. Doctors say her condition is stable. Hundreds of callers answered a radio appeal for the donation of a laptop so Eden can keep up with her studies while she is recovering.
    1st May
    Gush Etzion: Palestinians threw rocks at a car in which a woman and three children were traveling. Two injured, including a young child.
    18th April
    Jerusalem: In the early evening, an explosion on a Jerusalem bus and a subsequent fire led to the injury of 21 people, including passengers on a passing bus and in a nearby car. Two of the injured are in serious condition, 7 were moderately injured and 12 were lightly injured. 13 people were hospitalized, including one severely injured man who later died of his wounds and was identified as the terrorist (19) from Beit Jala, evidently a member of Hamas.
    14th April
    Al-Arub, Gush Etzion: An Arab man attacked a group of soldiers with an axe, hitting one soldier’s helmet without wounding him. Two-three hours later, about 150 Palestinians from Al-Arub rioted; a soldier was injured lightly by a stone.

    Hwy 431, between Ramla-Nes Ziona: A woman (24) was lightly injured by a stone thrown at her car.

    The Old City, Jerusalem: Two 12-year-old boys were arrested for questioning when, at a checkpoint at one of the gates to the Old City, 3 knives were found in one of the boys’ knapsack along with a goodbye letter to his parents.
    3rd April
    Rosh Ha-ayin (center of country): An Arab woman (23, from Kfar Kassem) attacked and lightly wounded a young Israeli woman (30). Civilians in the vicinity subdued the attacker, who was arrested.
    25th March
    Isawiya (an Arab neighborhood in Jerusalem): A 15-year-old Palestinian girl approached a group of Border Police officers in the French Hill area, drew a knife and attempted to stab them.
    24th March
    Tel Rumeida (near Hebron): Two Palestinians stabbed an IDF soldier who sustained light to moderate wounds.
    18th March
    Gush Etzion Junction: Three Palestinians attacked IDF soldiers with knives.
    17th March
    Ariel junction: Two terrorists stabbed a young woman (~20), wounding her moderately to seriously.
    14th March
    Elias Junction (near Kiryat Arba): Two Palestinians attempted a car ramming attack, later opening fire on civilians and soldiers standing in a nearby bus stop, near the entrance to Kiryat Arba. Both assailants were killed by IDF soldiers. A soldier was slightly wounded in the shooting. The two gunmen were armed with a pistol and a Carl Gustav rifle.
    Elias Junction (near Kiryat Arba): Shortly after the first incident, another vehicular attack took place at the same stop. An IDF officer was lightly wounded and two soldiers were lightly injured by shrapnel.
    11th March
    Road 443, near the Beit Horon Checkpoint: Two IDF soldiers were lightly wounded in a shooting incident Friday evening on Road 443. An Arab driver who arrived at the checkpoint shot at the soldiers with a handgun and drove away. 
    Jerusalem, near Jaffa Gate: An Israeli man (29) was moderately wounded on Friday afternoon in a stabbing attack which took place in the Ma’alot Chaldiyah alley near the Jaffa Gate. The attacker, a 19-year-old Palestinian from the West Bank, fled the scene of the attack but was caught by police after a brief manhunt.
    9th March
    Jerusalem, near Damascus Gate: Two Palestinians opened fire on police officers and civilians near the light rail stop opposite Damascus Gate. A 50-year-old man, resident of East Jerusalem, was seriously wounded. Both assailants were shot and killed.
    8th March
    Tel Aviv-Jaffa: 29-year-old Taylor Force, an American tourist, was stabbed to death, and 11 other civilians were wounded to varying degrees by a Palestinian assailant, among them wife of the victim and a pregnant woman. The stabbing spree began near the Jaffa port, and the assailant escaped on foot along the Tel Aviv beach promenade, stabbing passersby and motorists.
    Petah Tikva: Stabbing attack. A 40-year-old man was moderately wounded by a Palestinian attacker. The victim removed the knife from his neck, and stabbed the attacker.
    Jerusalem, near Damascus Gate: Two Border Police officers were wounded, one critically, when a terrorist on a motorcycle opened fire with an automatic weapon on Salah a-Din Street, near Damascus Gate.
    Jerusalem, Old City: A Palestinian woman approached Border Police officers, drew a knife from her bag and tried to stab them.
    4th March
    Gush Etzion junction: Ramming attack – A woman rammed her car into a group of soldiers, injuring one soldier (20).
    3rd March
    Uja, Jordan Valley: A police officer directing traffic on Route 90 was stabbed by a 14-year-old girl from the nearby village. The lightly injured officer managed to arrest the attacker.

    Rahelim, Samaria, north of Jerusalem: Shooting attack on a police car; an officer was lightly wounded.
    2nd March
    Har Bracha, Samaria: Stabbing attack – two soldiers were wounded, one moderately and one lightly.

    Eli (north of Jerusalem): An attempt to massacre a family injuring one Jewish man lightly. Around 6 a.m., two terrorists (17) waited outside a house in an outlying neighborhood of Eli. When the man opened the door to go to morning prayers, one of the terrorists rushed in and attacked him with a knife and a wooden club. The man succeeded in pushing the terrorist out and locking the door, thus protecting his wife and 5 children inside the house. 
    26th February
    Maaleh Adumim: A security guard (48) at the shopping center was critically wounded by a terrorist armed with an axe.
    24th February
    Gush Etzion junction: Maj. (res.) Eliav Gelman (30) died after being critically wounded by a bullet fired by IDF forces to neutralize a terrorist who was attempting to stab him. The terrorist was identified as a math teacher in a Hebron area school.

    Jerusalem: Police apprehended two men with pipe bombs and ammunition hidden in their bagel cart near Herod's Gate in the Old City.
    21st February
    Bitot Junction (near the city of Nablus): In the third attempted stabbing of the day, a 15-year-old assailant was stopped and arrested when trying to stab a soldier.
    Near Hebron: A stabbing attack foiled – a 14-year-old Palestinian tried to open the door of a military vehicle and stab one of the soldiers.
    Samaria – Tapuah Junction: Attempted stabbing attack thwarted – a young Palestinian woman aroused suspicions of border policemen at the junction, when she attempted to approach the area where Jews were waiting for rides. A large knife was found in her possession. The woman was arrested and taken in for questioning, where she confessed that Palestinian social networks, which encourage violence against Jews, had a big influence on her and her decision to carry out an attack.
    20th February
    Jerusalem: near the Damascus Gate. Attempted stabbing attack foiled - 18-year-old Palestinian man was arrested when pulled out a knife in an attempt to stab border policemen.
    19th February
    Silwad (north-east of Ramallah): A terrorist attempted to run over IDF soldiers.
    Jerusalem, Damascus Gate: The attacker went through the gate, then backtracked with a knife in hand and stabbed border police officers from behind (one was moderately wounded and the other sustained light wounds). A 50-year-old Palestinian woman was lightly wounded from shrapnel.
    18th February
    Binyamin Industrial Zone (north of Jerusalem): Two terrorists who entered a shopping compound north of Jerusalem stabbed Tuvia Yanai Weissman (21, an off duty soldier) to death while he was shopping with his wife and 4-months-old baby, and severely wounded another man. The attackers were 14-year-old boys from Beitunia near Ramallah.
    15th February
    Jerusalem: near the Damascus Gate. A young Palestinian woman was arrested following an attempted stabbing attack. Security forces approached the woman who aroused their suspicion. She then pulled out a large knife, and was immediately stopped. A second knife was found in her possession.
    14th February
    Jerusalem (near the Damascus Gate): A group of police officers noticed a suspicious man with a bag in his hand. They approached him and instructed him to stop and put down his bag. He then pulled out a homemade automatic rifle and aimed it at the officers, who responded quickly and shot him. The policemen were then shot at from another direction by a second attacker with an automatic rifle.
    Near Hinanit (West of Jenin): an IDF patrol was shot at by two Palestinian teenagers. A gun and a knife were found in their possession.

    13th February
    Hebron: Stabbing attack on the Sabbath, near the Cave of the Patriarchs. A woman stabbed a soldier and then stabbed a Palestinian man (50) who tried to stop her. The soldier and the Palestinian man sustained light-to-moderate injuries.
    9th February
    Neve Daniel (Gush Etzion, east of Jerusalem): A man (28) was stabbed and moderately wounded near the community of Neve Daniel.
    6th February
    Rahat: A woman (in 60’s) was stabbed and moderately wounded in the shuk (market) in Rahat, in the Negev.
    5th February
    Ariel: A car was shot at near Ariel, in Samaria.
    4th February
    Ramle (center of the country): Two 13-year-old girls stabbed a security guard at the central bus station. The guard sustained light injuries.

    Thirty-one instances of rock-throwing or Molotov cocktails thrown mostly at cars and buses, in or near Jerusalem, in Gush Etzion, on Route 443 and other places.
    3rd February
    Jerusalem, Damascus Gate: Three terrorists attacked Border Police officers – while one of the Palestinians gave his ID to an officer, the other two pulled out guns and knives and attacked the officers. One (female) officer was critically injured, one (also female) was seriously injured and another officer was lightly injured. The assailants were from Jenin area and entered Israel illegally, armed with guns, knives and explosives. Preliminary investigation reveals that the officers prevented a much more serious attack.
    19 year old Hadar Cohen succumbed to her wounds a few hours after the attack.
    31st January
    Beit El: Three soldiers were shot at the nearby checkpoint; one was seriously wounded in the stomach, but his condition stabilized after reaching hospital and successful surgery.
    30th January
    Jerusalem, Old City: Stabbing attack – A group of Arab teens, two brandishing knives, attacked two Jewish men on their way back from Sabbath prayers at the Kotel (Western Wall). One of them (17-year-old American-Israeli) was wounded lightly in the back. One of the assailants (17, from an eastern Jerusalem neighborhood) later turned himself in to the police.
    As of 31 January, three teenaged suspects have been arrested.
    27th January
    Givat Zeev, north of Jerusalem: Stabbing attack – An Arab terrorist (17½) attacked a man (35) with a knife as he was about to enter a restaurant with his wife. While one owner administered first aid and called an ambulance, the other owner, a restaurant worker and other civilians gave chase and caught the assailant and held him until the police arrived.
    25th January
    Beit Horon (Benjamin region): Stabbing attack – Two terrorists (age 17 & 23) infiltrated the settlement and attacked two women near the local grocery store. Shlomit Kriegman (23) died of her wounds. The other woman was moderately wounded. The terrorists also placed pipe bombs next to the store.
    24th January
    Dolev (Benjamin region): Shots were fired at a car, six hitting it. The driver wasn’t hurt; was treated on site for anxiety attack.
    23rd January
    Anatot (east of Jerusalem): A girl (13) attacked a security guard with a knife.
    20th January
    Tulkarem: IDF soldier lightly wounded by gunfire during patrol in nearby village.
    18th January
    Tekoa: A pregnant Israeli woman (30) was stabbed in a clothing store and moderately injured by a Palestinian minor (15).
    17th January
    Otniel (between Hebron and Beer Sheva): Sunday evening, Dafna Meir (38, mother of 6 – two of them foster children – and a nurse at Soroka Hospital) was stabbed to death in her home in the presence of three of her children.
    15th January
    Nebi Salakh (Benjamin region, northwest of Jerusalem): In a demonstration that included stone-throwing and tire-burning, a soldier was lightly injured.
    14th January
    Near Nablus: Terrorist attacked security forces with a glass bottle and a knife; an officer was lightly wounded.
    13th January
    Benjamin region (near Jerusalem): Arab driver of Egged bus was lightly injured when the windshield was smashed by a rock and a bottle of paint.
    5th January
    Highway 79 (northern Israel): Driver lightly injured when his bus was stoned.
    Gush Etzion: Stabbing attack – IDF soldier lightly wounded.
    4th January
    Jerusalem: Attempted stabbing attack near the National Police Headquarters – a passerby was lightly wounded.
    3rd January
    South Hebron hills: Soldier lightly wounded by gunfire during security check.

    Hebron, near Tomb of the Patriarchs: Female soldier moderately wounded by sniper fire from Abu Snena neighborhood.
    2nd January
    Jerusalem: on the road to Gush Etzion: Shooting at passing cars; Arab Israeli lightly wounded.
    1st  January
    Tel Aviv: In a shooting attack at a pub, two young Israelis were killed – Alon Bakal (26), the pub’s manager, and Shimon Ruime (30) – and 8 injured, two seriously. The assailant (29, Arab-Israeli citizen from Arara village in northern Israel) is still at large. [Possibly related, possibly not: a taxi driver was shot dead in his vehicle in another part of Tel Aviv shortly after the attack.]
    31st December
    Samaria (between Hawara and Tapuah on Route 60): Ramming attack – one soldier lightly injured.
    27th December
    Hawara (south of Nablus): Stabbing attack by two terrorists (17 & 27, from Jenin); a soldier was wounded.
    Jerusalem: IDF soldier (18) was stabbed and moderately wounded near the central bus station. By resident of eastern Jerusalem.
    26th December
    Hawara checkpoint: Soldier lightly injured in a ramming attack by Palestinian assailant (56).

    Jerusalem: Stabbing attack foiled – Resident (26) of Ras el-Amud, an eastern Jerusalem neighborhood, aroused suspicions of police officers (security cameras show that the Arab sat and waited in the area between Jaffa Gate and Tzahal Square; when he saw a man wrapped in a tallis – prayer showl – walking with his children on their way to Sabbath morning prayers, he followed them). When confronted by the officer, he pulled out a large knife. The officer shot him once; when the assailant continued to move towards the officers with the knife, he was shot a second time and killed on site.
    25th December
    Bethlehem: Palestinians threw stones at the vehicle of the Latin Patriarch, Fuad Twal, who was visiting Bethlehem on Christmas day.
    24th December
    Ariel: A Palestinian armed with a knife stabbed two people.
    23rd December
    Jerusalem: Near Jaffa Gate, two Palestinians (19 & 20, from Kalandia refugee camp) attacked passersby with knives. Rabbi Reuven Biermacher (45, father of seven), died of multiple stab wounds. Ofer Ben-Ari (46) died of wounds from a stray bullet when two Border Police officers shot the assailants and stopped the attack. A third man was wounded.
    20th December
    Hebron: A Palestinian gunman shot at IDF forces.
    19th December
    Raanana: An Arab terrorist stabbed 3 Israelis. One man was seriously wounded; after receiving medical attention, he is in moderate condition.
    14th December
    Jerusalem: According to initial reports, eleven people were wounded (including a baby), one of them seriously, in a vehicular ramming attack near the Chords Bridge at the entrance to Jerusalem.
    11th December
    Gilboa (Jalame) Crossing: Shots were fired at soldiers from a Palestinian vehicle.
    10th December
    Beit Aryeh Junction: Three Israeli civilians wounded, one of them critically, in a car ramming attack.
    9th December
    Samaria: A Jewish man was seriously injured, and his wife lightly injured, when 23 bullets hit their car in a drive-by shooting attack on the road from Avney Hefetz.

    Hebron: A terrorist stabbed a soldier and a civilian at a checkpoint near Beit Hadassah. The soldier was moderately wounded; the civilian lightly wounded. The terrorist was cousin of the terrorist who carried out the stabbing attack near the Tomb of the Patriarchs on 7th Dec.
    7th December
    Hebron: An Israeli man (~40) was very critically injured in a stabbing attack near the Tomb of the Patriarchs by a Palestinian (21).
    6th December
    Jerusalem (Romema neighborhood): Three people were wounded in a car-ramming and stabbing attack. After hitting two people with his car, the assailant exited the vehicle and stabbed a pedestrian.
    4th December
    Ofra (Benyamin Region northwest of Jerusalem): Two IDF soldiers were injured in a car ramming attack.

    Abud (Benyamin Region northwest of Jerusalem):  Palestinian (27) stabbed an IDF soldier in the neck.

    Hebron: Two Palestinians attempted a terrorist attack – one stabbed a soldier.
    3rd December
    Hizme checkpoint: An IDF soldier and a civilian were shot near the checkpoint, north of Jerusalem.
    Jerusalem: Stabbing attack in the city center. A Police officer got injured.
    Pesagot (Benyamin Region near Ramallah): Shots were fired at an Israeli car.
    1st December
    Gush Etzion junction: A Palestinian (16) tried to carry out a stabbing attack at the hitchhiking stop, which has been the site of 10 terrorist attacks in the past two months. An Israeli man was light-to-moderately wounded from bullet shrapnel when IDF forces tried to stop the assailant.
    29th November
    Jerusalem: A Border Police officer was stabbed near Damascus Gate, in the Old City.
    Jerusalem : A 31-year-old female foreign worker from Nepal was moderately wounded in a stabbing attack as she waited at a bus stop on Shamgar Street on her day off.
    27th November
    Kfar Adumim junction: Two soldiers were wounded when a Palestinian terrorist drove into a bus stop in a car ramming attack.
    Beit Omar, near Hebron: Six soldiers were injured in a car ramming attack.
    25th November
    Al-Fawar junction (south of Hebron): An IDF soldier was stabbed and seriously wounded by a Palestinian student, 19.
    24th November
    Samaria – Tapuah Junction: A Palestinian terrorist (21) rammed a car into security forces, wounding three IDF soldiers and a Border Policeman who were at the junction assessing additional security measures to prevent terror attacks.
    23rd November
    Route 443: Ziv Mizrahi (18) was stabbed to death and two women were injured in a terrorist attack at a gas station on the highway between Jerusalem and Modi’in. Ziv had just started his army service three months ago.
    Samaria, near Nablus: Palestinian tried to stab a soldier.
    Northern Samaria: Ramming attack. One civilian wounded.
    Jerusalem: Stabbing attack on Jaffa Road. Two Palestinian teens (female, age 14 and 16) attacked passers-by with scissors, wounding an elderly (70) Palestinian man. A security guard was lightly wounded by shrapnel from gunfire used against the attackers.
    22nd November
    Gush Etzion junction: Hadar Buchris (21) was stabbed to death by a terrorist (34).
    Kfar Adumim: Attempted ramming/stabbing attack. A Palestinian taxi driver rammed his car into an Israeli car on Route 1, by Kfar Adumim junction. . He then got out of the car and stabbed the Israeli driver in the hand. A passenger in the Israeli car shot and killed the terrorist (32, from Ramallah).
    Samaria Brigade Junction: Stabbing attack foiled – A Palestinian (16, female from Nablus) pulled out a knife and charged at a young woman waiting at a bus stop. The assailant was spotted by a civilian driver (former Samaria Council head Gershon Mesika), who ran into her with his car to stop her. Security forces at the site shot the assailant, who died at the scene.
    21st November
    Kiryat Gat: Four people wounded in a stabbing attack, including a 13-year-old girl (who called the police and stopped the bleeding by herself, until the ambulance arrived) by 18 year old terrorist.
    19th November
    Tel Aviv: Two people were killed and one wounded in a stabbing attack during afternoon prayers in a Judaica store located in the Panorama building - a commercial center in southern Tel Aviv. Hamas "welcomed" the attack. The victims: Rabbi Aharon Yesayev, 32 and father of five, and Reuven Aviram, 51.
    Gush Etzion: Three people were killed when a Palestinian terrorist opened fire with a submachine gun at cars in a traffic jam at the Alon Shvut junction, south of Jerusalem. The victims: Ezra Schwartz, 18, volunteer from Sharon, Massachusetts, Yaakov Don, 49, father of five, and Shadi  Arafa, 40, Palestinian from Hebron. At least five others were wounded.
    Schwartz came to Israel as part of a program in which young people come to Israel for nine months of volunteer work. The volunteers, who study at a yeshiva in Beit Shemesh, were visting the memorial established for the three Israeli teens who were kidnapped and killed last summer, and were handing out food to soldiers stationed in Gush Etzion when the attack took place.
    14th November
    Psagot (near Ramallah): Four Israelis were injured when a Palestinian driver collided with their car. A Palestinian motorist approached the entrance to Psagot in a car with Israeli license plates. When spotted by the security guard, he turned his car around and collided head-on with a vehicle coming from the other direction. A large knife was found in his car.
    13th November
    Otniel (south of Hebron): Rabbi Ya'akov Litman, 40, and his son Netanel, 18, were killed in a shooting attack while driving on Route 60 near Otniel. His wife and four other children in the vehicle were lightly wounded by shrapnel and the resulting crash.
    10th November
    Jerusalem (Pisgat Zeev neighborhood): Two Palestinian youths (11 & 14) on their way home from school stabbed and moderately wounded a security guard on the Jerusalem light rail.
    Shortly afterwards, there was an attempted stabbing of a police officer near Damascus Gate in Jerusalem. Later, a Palestinian youth (16) tried to stab a Border Policeman at a checkpost near Abu Dis.
    9th November
    Eliyahu checkpoint (near Alfei Menashe, northern Samaria): Palestinian woman attempted to stab guards at the checkpoint.
    8th November
    Tapuah Junction (Samaria): Four Israelis were wounded, two seriously, in a car-ramming terror attack directed at a group of people at a hitchhiking stop.
    Beitar Illit (south of Jerusalem): A civilian security guard was lightly wounded in a stabbing attack by a Palestinian woman.
    Northern West Bank: An Israeli man was seriously injured in a stabbing attack in the Palestinian village of Nabi Ilyas, when he stopped to shop at a stall.
    Border Policeman St.-Sgt. Benjamin Yakubovich, 19, of Kiryat Ata, critically wounded in on November 4, died of his wounds.
    6th November
    Sha’ar Binyamin (north of Jerusalem): Israeli injured in stabbing attack outside supermarket.
    Hebron: Two teens, aged 16 and 18, were injured - one seriously - in a shooting attack near the Tomb of the Patriarchs. A short time later, an Israeli soldier was severely injured in a shooting attack at the Beit Anun junction north of Hebron by a 16 year old terrorist.
    5th November
    Gush Etzion: Attempted stabbing attack.
    4th November
    Halhoul junction (north of Hebron): Three Border Policemen were wounded, one criticallly, in car-ramming attack. Border Policeman St.-Sgt. Benjamin Yakubovich, 19, of Kiryat Ata, critically wounded in the attack, died of his wounds on November 8.
    2nd November
    Netanya (north of Tel Aviv): A 71-year-old man was seriously wounded in a stabbing attack.
    Rishon Lezion (south of Tel Aviv): Three people were wounded, two seriously - including an 80-year-old woman - in a stabbing attack by a Palestinian from Hebron (19) at a bus stop in the center of the city.
    Gilboa (Jalama) crossing (north of Jenin in the West Bank): Two Palestinians attempted to stab a soldier at a a gas station adjacent to the crossing point.
    1st November
    Hebron: Three Border Policemen wounded in car ramming attack. Earlier, attempted stabbing attack of IDF soldier during a violent riot.
    31st October
    Gilboa (Jalama) crossing (north of Jenin in the West Bank): Palestinian (17) armed with a knife tried to stab Israeli guards.
    30th October
    Tapuah Junction:  Attempted stabbing attack of Border Policemen.
    Jerusalem: 2 Israeli civilians injured in stabbing attack.
    29th October
    Hebron: Terrorist stabs and injures soldier near the Tomb of the Patriarchs.
    Hebron: Palestinian attempted to stab IDF soldier in Beit Hadassah neighborhood.
    Jerusalem: Passing vehicle opened fire towards a bus stop.
    28th October
    Gush Etzion: Israeli civilian injured in stabbing attack outside supermarket.
    Hebron:  Attempted stabbing attack.
    27th October
    Gush Etzion: IDF soldier moderately wounded in stabbing attack.
    Jerusalem: Terror attack foiled - two Arabs (17 & 16) from eastern Jerusalem armed with an axe and a knife were arrested in the center of town (Kikar Tzahal).
    26th October
    Beit Anun (Route 60, north of Hebron): Israeli (19) stabbed, seriously wounded.
    Hebron: Stabbing attempt by terrorist (19) outside the Cave of the Patriarchs thwarted.
    25th October
    Metzad (Gush Etzion bloc): Man (58) moderately wounded in stabbing attack after his car was stoned.
    Hebron: Palestinian woman attempted to stab border policeman with knife.
    Ariel junction (Samaria): Israeli man (25) stabbed by terrorist (26).
    24th October
    Jalama checkpoint (near Jenin): Palestinian youth (16), posing as seller of chocolate-and-marshmallow treats, tried to stab a security guard.
    23rd October
    Gush Etzion: A Bedouin IDF soldier was stabbed and wounded by a terrorist (16) while assisting Palestinians to access their olive groves for the harvest.
    Beit El (north of Jerusalem): Israeli couple and their three young children wounded in a firebombing attack on their car.
    22nd October
    Hebron: Palestinian attempts to stab IDF soldier.
    Beit Shemesh: Two Palestinians attempted to board school bus. Israeli student (18) stabbed at bus stop.
    21st October
    Samaria: 15-year-old Palestinian girl carrying a knife attempted to infiltrate the settlement.
    North of Jerusalem: Two terrorists stabbed female soldier (19), seriously wounding her and attempted to stab another one.
    Ma’ale Adumim: Attack foiled when security forced found home-explosive devices in a car.
    Gush Etzion (Route 60): Five soldiers injured after their vehicle was stoned causing the soldiers to leave the car. They then were rammed by a Palestinian car.
    20th October
    South of Hebron (Al Fawar junction): Avraham Hasno (54) of Kiryat Arba run over and killed by truck after his vehicle was stoned.
    Hebron: IDF officer was lightly injured in stabbing attack by Palestinian (24) in Hebron.
    Gush Etzion junction: Two lightly wounded in car-ramming attack at bus stop at the Gush Etzion junction. The terrorist then drew his knife to attack his victims.
    Hebron: Two Palestinian teenagers (15 and 17) stabbed and injured IDF soldier.             
    18th October
    Beer Sheva: IDF soldier Sgt. Omri Levy (19) killed and 10 civillians and police officers wounded when a terrorist (21 year old Israeli Arab) armed with a knife and a pistol entered the central bus station, shot the soldier, grabbed his gun and started shooting.
    17th October
    Jerusalem: Terrorist (16) tried to stab Border Police officers.
    Hebron: Three separate attacks:  1) Palestinian tried to stab a civilian walking back from morning prayers. 2) Palestinian woman (16) stabbed and lightly wounded a female Border Police officer. 3) Terrorist (18) from Hebron, stabbed and moderately wounded an IDF soldier at Police checkpoint.
    Kalandiya checkpoint (north of Jerusalem): Terrorist tried to stab police officer then tried to stab a bomb squad officer.
    16th October
    Nablus: Joseph's tomb, a Jewish holy site, set on fire overnight by Palestinian rioters.
    Jerusalem: Border Policeman foiled possible terror attack after detecting explosive device at a checkpoint at east Jerusalem's Issawiya neighborhood, near the Hebrew University on Mount Scopus.
    Hebron (Zayit junction outside Kiryat Arba): Palestinian terrorist disguised as a photojournalist stabbed and moderately wounded an IDF soldier.
    14th October
    Jerusalem: A terrorist stabbed a 72-year-old woman, inflicting light-to-moderate wounds, outside the Central Bus Station in Jerusalem. He then attemped to board an Egged bus. The terrorist (23) was a resident of Jerusalem's Ras al-Amud neighborhood. Following the attack, 31 people suffering from anxiety and shock were admitted to city hospitals. Earlier, a terrorist attempted a stabbing attack at Damascus Gate in Jerusalem's Old City.
    13th October
    Ra’anana: one civilian (32) stabbed and wounded by a Palestinian (22) while waiting for the bus.
    Jerusalem: two Palestinians boarded a bus armed with a knife and a gun, locking the doors to prevent people from escaping and security from boarding the bus. They killed two and injured at least 15 others. One of the injured, a peace activist, died two weeks later of his injuries.
    Ra’anana: 4 civilians wounded, one seriously after another stabbing attack at a bus stop.
    Jerusalem: a Palestinian drove into a bus stop and hit civilians waiting there, then left the vehicle in order to stab his victims. He killed one, injuring several others.​
    12th October
    Jerusalem: attempted attack foiled at Lion’s Gate in Jerusalem's old city.
    Jerusalem: a Palestinian woman attacked a police officer who suffered moderate injury.
    Jerusalem: two Palestinian terrorists attacked a man (20) and a boy (13) who are in serious condition.
    11th October
    Ma’aleh Adumim: police officer lightly injured when he pulled over a driver acting suspiciously, and the (female) driver set off an explosive device/gas canister.
    Tzomet Alon: four injured at bus station in a combined car and knife attack by 20 year old terrorist. Female soldier (19) in serious condition; girl (15) in moderate condition; two men (45, 20) in light condition. Terrorist first ran over two of the victims, then emerged from his car and started stabbing.
    10th October
    Jerusalem: a Palestinian (16) stabbed two Jewish men in their 60s near Damascus Gate, leaving them moderately and lightly wounded, respectively.
    Jerusalem: Palestinian (19) stabbed two police officers.
    Jerusalem: ambulance driver lightly injured by stones, taken to Hadassah Hospital. Saturday night, a man (43) suffered a head injury when stones were thrown at a bus.
    Afula: female terrorist attempted to stab a soldier.
    Kiryat Arba: IDF officer wounded by gunshot; taken to Hadassah Hospital in moderate-to-serious condition. Youth (14) lightly injured by stones, treated at site by paramedics.
    Gush Etzion: woman (53) lightly injured by broken glass when stones were thrown at her car.
    9th October
    Samaria:  northwest of Jerusalem: Five Israelis, three of them children, were lightly wounded by rocks thrown at their vehicle.
    8th October
    Tel Aviv: female soldier and three others stabbed.
    Jerusalem: Yeshiva student (25) was seriously injured and another man lightly injured in stabbing attack near the light rail by 19 year old terrorist.
    Kiryat Arba: man (31) seriously wounded in stabbing attack. Victim evacuated to Jerusalem hospital.
    Afula: soldier stabbed by Arab (20). The soldier was taken to hospital in moderate-to-serious condition.
    Jerusalem: a Palestinian youth attacked a Jewish youth (16), punching him in the face and stabbing him in the shoulder.
    7th October
    Petach Tikva: knife attack at shopping mall wounded one man. The knife broke, preventing further victims.
    Gush Etzion: Judea, south of Jerusalem – woman (38-year-old), driving from her home in Tekoa, was attacked by Palestinians, who threw rocks at her and tried to drag her from her car. Lightly wounded, she succeeded in closing the car door and escaped.
    Jerusalem: Palestinian woman (18) stabbed 36-year-old Jewish man at Lion’s Gate of the Old City. The victim was moderately wounded.
    Kiryat Gat: Palestinian terrorist stabbed an IDF soldier and snatched his gun, then ran into a nearby apartment, where a woman was just returning home. She fought with him and managed to flee.
    4th October
    Jerusalem: Israeli teenager (15) was stabbed and wounded on his way to prayers at the Western Wall.
    3rd October
    Jerusalem: Two killed in stabbing attack near Lion’s Gate. Aharon Banita-Bennet (22) was stabbed to death on the way to the Western Wall in the Old City on Saturday evening with his wife and two young children. His wife and two-year-old son were wounded. Rabbi Nehemia Lavi (father of seven), who came to the aid of the Banita-Bennett family, was attacked and stabbed to death.
    1st October   
    Samaria: Rabbi Eitam Henkin (31) and wife Naama (30) murdered in a drive-by shooting while traveling with their four young children (aged 9, 7, 4, and 9 months).