Security Cabinet communique

Security Cabinet communique


    Participants in the discussion were briefed on the situation following the recent terrorist attacks. PM Bennett emphasized that the primary mission of the Security Cabinet is to prevent additional terrorist attacks and strengthen security and the sense of security among the public.

    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Foreign Media Adviser)
    Prime Minister Naftali Bennett convened the Ministerial Committee on National Security Affairs (the Security Cabinet), today (Wednesday, 30 March 2022).
    Participants in the discussion were briefed on the situation in light of the recent terrorist attacks and the efforts by the political leadership and the security forces to stop the violence.
    Prime Minister Bennett emphasized that the primary mission for those present at the discussion is to prevent additional terrorist attacks and strengthen security and the sense of security among the public.
    The political leadership emphasized the main directives to deal with the situation: 
    • Increasing the presence of security forces and reinforcing units in the field, particularly at points of friction.  
    • Reinforcing units along the seam line and advancing a plan to rebuild the security barrier.  
    • Extensive counter-terror operations, especially initiated operations, among those promoting and identifying with the ISIS. 
    • Continuation and expansion of dealing with the problem of illegal weapons in the Arab sector. 
    • Strengthening deterrence and underscoring the losses to be incurred by those closest to the terrorist carrying out the attacks. Accordingly, it was decided to revoke work permits among those in the close circle [of the terrorists] and to move forward quickly on the demolition of homes. 
    • Increased monitoring of incitement on social networks and the taking of appropriate actions (including by legislative changes where necessary). 
    • Continued building up of the Israel Police and dealing with its needs. It was decided to add hundreds of positions and carry out rapid staff work for a budgetary supplement in order to allow the Israel Police to meet the challenges facing it at this time. 
    • Alongside dealing with the internal security challenges, preparations for various escalation scenarios in the different areas will continue. 
     The policies of the Cabinet and the plans for action that were determined will be evaluated according to circumstances and events in the field.