President Rivlin addresses UN Summit on Biodiversity

President Rivlin: UN Summit on Biodiversity

  •   President Rivlin addresses UN Summit on Biodiversity
    ​President Rivlin: Nature-based solutions to regional challenges are creating new partnerships and new bonds of trust and cooperation with our neighbors. We plan to begin similar projects with the UAE, Bahrain and other countries in the Middle East.
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    President Rivlin addressing the UN Summit on Biodiversity President Rivlin addressing the UN Summit on Biodiversity Copyright: President's Residence


    (Communicated by the President’s Spokesperson) 

    President Reuven Rivlin this evening (Wednesday, 30 September 2020), delivered remarks to the United Nations’ Summit on Biodiversity. Because of the coronavirus pandemic, the president’s remarks were recorded in advance. 
    President Rivlin’s remarks in full:
    “Secretary-General of the United Nations Antonio Guterres, President of the General Assembly Volkan Bokzir, excellencies, dear guests - thank you so much for this important summit.
    “The State of Israel lies at the crossroads of three continents. We are a meeting place not only for cultures and peoples, but for over five hundred million birds flying from Europe to Africa each year.
    “We are a small country, but we are home to many, unique natural wonders. Israeli start-ups are changing the way the world grows its food, produces its energy, and makes its water safe to drink.
    “At the same time, we also face many challenges in Israel, including threats to our open spaces and our wildlife. The State of Israel is deeply committed to working with the United Nations and with all nations to protect biodiversity.  We are at a critical moment in these efforts. It is time for urgent action!
    “The coronavirus has shown that humanity is able to change its behavior when we understand the need. As the nations of the world plan their recovery from COVID we have a rare opportunity to change course. As part of our recovery plan in Israel, we are focusing on clean energy, clean-tech and restoring natural spaces. These efforts will be good not only for nature, but for our economy as well.
    “Nature-based solutions to regional challenges, are creating new partnerships between Israel and our Palestinian neighbors and cousins and with Jordan. They are creating new bonds of trust and cooperation. We plan to begin similar projects with the United Arab Emirates, the Kingdom of Bahrain, and with other countries in the Middle East.
    “Dear friends, nature and the environment know no borders. And just as we must work together to defeat the coronavirus, we must work together to save nature. We must overcome the divisions of the past so that we can build a better future for our region, for our planet, and for all our children.
    “Thank you very much for taking part in this convention and I would like to bless you with the traditional blessing for the Jewish new year – Shana Tova, Happy New Year to you and God bless you all.”