President Peres on the negotiations in Geneva regarding Iran's nuclear program

President Peres on the negotiations in Geneva

  •   President Peres on the negotiations in Geneva regarding Iran's nuclear program

    Photo: MFA

    President Shimon Peres, today at the tomb of David Ben-Gurion in Sde Boker, delivered a special address during the state ceremony marking 40 years since his passing.

    Following are the President's statements on Iran:

    "Yesterday the P5+1 did not come to an agreement, and rightly so. A deal which does not prevent Iran from becoming a nuclear power must not be signed. The wording at hand does not answer this requirement. Preventing a nuclear Iran was the P5+1's very purpose and I hope that it remains so. This is also the unyielding position of the State of Israel. We are not opposed to diplomacy to achieve this goal. But there is no point in a deal which would not prevent Iran from becoming nuclear. I believe that our government's position, expressed by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, is right."