President Isaac Herzog sends special New Year greeting to Diaspora Jewry

New Year greeting to Diaspora Jewry

  •   President Isaac Herzog sends special New Year greeting to Diaspora Jewry
    ​In honor of Rosh HaShanah, the Jewish New Year, President Isaac Herzog released a special video greeting for Diaspora Jewry, wishing everyone "a year of health and of coming together."​
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    President Isaac Herzog President Isaac Herzog Copyright: The Jewish Agency
    ​(Communicated by the President’s Spokesperson)

    In honor of Rosh HaShanah, the Jewish New Year, President Isaac Herzog released a special video greeting for Diaspora Jewry, wishing everyone "a year of health and of coming together."
    "Each of us has the privilege to chart our own individual course, and yet at the same time, we depend on each other," said President Isaac Herzog in the message, recorded at the President's Residence in Jerusalem.
    "So on this Rosh HaShanah, I will be praying for the wellbeing of my immediate family as well as my extended family: the people of Israel and the Jewish People at large."
    President Herzog added that he is looking forward to seeing Jews from around the world visit Israel as soon as possible.

    Full text of President Herzog’s greeting:
    "Dear friends, as we approach the new year, 5782, I would like to extend my warmest wishes on behalf of the State of Israel and its people for a Shanah Tovah, Happy New Year, to you and your loved ones.
    “The cyclical nature of Judaism allows us, the Jewish People, the opportunity to connect to our collective soul and to start anew. Each of us has the privilege to chart our own individual course, and yet at the same time, we depend on each other: on our community, on our congregation, on the power of each of our tefillot, prayers.
    “So on this Rosh HaShanah, and as we are heading into Yom Kippur, the Day of Atonement, I will be praying for the wellbeing of my immediate family as well as my extended family: the people of Israel and the Jewish People at large.
    “I wish you all, dear brothers and sisters from around the world, a year of health and of coming together. Take care of each other and know that Israel is your home away from home and we are all looking forward to seeing you in our beloved country, Israel. May you all be inscribed in the Book of Life, and may you all enjoy a happy, healthy, and joyous new year. Shanah Tovah U'Metukah.