President Herzog writes to King Abdullah II of Jordan on the twenty-seventh anniversary of the signing of the peace treaty

President Herzog writes to King Abdullah II

  •   President Herzog writes to King Abdullah II of Jordan on the twenty-seventh anniversary of the signing of the peace treaty
    ​President Herzog: The signing of the agreement represented the triumph of vision over extremism and cynicism. Twenty-seven years later, the supreme strategic value of peace should be clear to all.
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    President Isaac Herzog President Isaac Herzog Copyright: The Jewish Agency


    ​(Communicated by the President’s Spokesperson) 

    President Isaac Herzog today (Tuesday, 26 October 2021) wrote to His Majesty King Abdullah II of Jordan on the twenty-seventh anniversary of the Israel-Jordan Peace Treaty.
    Following is the full text of the letter:
    Your Majesty,
    I write on this historic anniversary, twenty-seven years after the signing of the Israel-Jordan Peace Treaty. Anyone present at the ceremony at the southern border crossing of Arabah on October 26th, 1994 will never forget the fine day on which your father, King Hussein, and Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin demonstrated the true meaning of leadership by taking responsibility for their nations’ fate.
    The signing of the agreement represented the triumph of vision over extremism and cynicism. Twenty-seven years later, the supreme strategic value of peace should be clear to all. Only by deepening and expanding our ties across all levels of government and civil society, and in all fields of cooperation, can we safeguard this indispensable asset of peace. I look forward to seeing our bilateral cooperation grow in the fields of agriculture, water, trade, innovation, hi-tech, and more over the course of my Presidency, for the benefit of both our nations and the region as a whole.
    Our important meeting several weeks ago, which you so graciously hosted, renewed my faith in the crucial partnership between our nations and filled me with optimism for the future.
    I assure you, Your Majesty, of the State of Israel’s complete support for this lasting peace, and I look forward to continuing to deepen our friendship for many years to come.
    Yours sincerely,
    Isaac Herzog
    President of the State of Israel