PM Yair Lapid Visits the National Police Academy

PM Yair Lapid Visits the National Police Academy

    Prime Minister Yair Lapid visited the National Police Academy in Beit Shemesh ​
    Prime Minister Yair Lapid visited the National Police Academy in Beit Shemesh today, together with Public Security Minister Omer Barlev.

    Prime Minister Yair Lapid:

    "The time has come to change our priorities. We are going to make the personal security of the citizens of Israel a top national priority.

    Investing in young police officers is required – patrol, detectives and Border Police. Conditions and salaries must be improved. It is not enough merely to add new positions; it must be made certain that they will be filled by outstanding, high-quality people."

     Israel Police Inspector General Yaakov Shabtai led the visit, in which Deputy Public Security Minister Yoav Segalovitz, Knesset Interior Committee Chairperson MK Meirav Ben-Ari, the senior command of the Israel Police including district and division commanders, police officers and Academy cadets also participated.

    Prime Minister Lapid was first briefed on the police tools of patrol vehicles, the Border Police Tactical Brigade, the Aviation Unit, riot dispersal means, cyber tools and weaponry.

     The Prime Minister was then presented with a scenario in which a patrol vehicle dealt with simulated events such as neutralizing an armed person, drug trafficking and a police dog finding drugs, suspicious objects, a sapper manually defusing a device, bursting into an apartment and undercover detective teams pursuing and arresting suspects. All of the simulated scenarios were according to the Academy training format.

    Prime Minister Lapid also visited the Israel Police heritage and history exhibit. To conclude the visit, the Prime Minister met with approximately 600 cadets enrolled in patrol, officer, detective, investigation and Border Police courses and presented them with his vision and the working plan.