PM Yair Lapid Visits ISA Samaria District HQ

PM Yair Lapid Visits ISA Samaria District HQ

    ​Israel will continue to arrest terrorists and thwart terrorist activity in the field. We expect the Palestinian Authority to take responsibility and fight terrorism."inian Authority to take responsibility and fight terrorism."
    Prime Minister Lapid:

    "Israel will continue to arrest terrorists and thwart terrorist activity in the field. We expect the Palestinian Authority to take responsibility and fight terrorism."

    Prime Minister Yair Lapid, today, visited the Israeli Security Agency (ISA) Samaria District headquarters, together with ISA Director Ronen Bar and his deputy, and district managers and personnel.

    Prime Minister Lapid held an assessment with ISA Samaria District managers, during which he was briefed on intelligence matters and operations, and discussed the situation in the area. District personnel briefed the Prime Minister on recent intelligence gathering activity and preventive operations against terrorist infrastructure, especially in northern Samaria.

    Prime Minister Lapid:

    "We are dealing with a complex reality that demands both a strong hand and determination in the areas in which terror has reared its head, while making an effort to maintain daily life."

    Prime Minister Lapid also spoke of his great appreciation for the Agency and its dedicated personnel:

    "I have also come here to tell you – I greatly appreciate you.

    I see here dedicated women and men, imbued with a sense of mission and great responsibility. You chose this challenging work and it is good that you have.

    Day and night, the preventive operations you are leading with the IDF and the Israel Police have thwarted many severe terrorist attacks and saved lives on a daily basis.

    I trust you will continue your important activity in the coming period, and defend the security of the country on behalf of the citizens of Israel."