PM Netanyahu meets with Malawi FM Eisenhower Mkaka

PM Netanyahu meets with Malawi FM Eisenhower Mkaka

    ​PM Netanyahu: I attach enormous importance to our relations with African countries, with your country as well. We look forward to strengthening the ties between Israel and Malawi in every area that lends itself to cooperation.
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    PM Netanyahu with Malawi FM Eisenhower Mkaka in Jerusalem PM Netanyahu with Malawi FM Eisenhower Mkaka in Jerusalem Copyright: GPO/Haim Zach

    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)

    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, today (Thursday, 5 November 2020), in Jerusalem, met with the Foreign Minister of Malawi, Eisenhower Mkaka.
    Prime Minister Netanyahu at the start of their meeting:
    "It's good to see you here in Jerusalem. This is a great day because of your decision to move your embassy to Jerusalem, which is our eternal capital from the time of King David. So we welcome you as a friend. We welcome Malawi as a friend. We've always had excellent relations and they're going to be even better. 
    “I've been to Africa five times as prime minister. Before that, 20 years and more, no visits. So understand that I attach enormous importance to our relations with African countries, with your country as well. We've just had the establishment, our relations with Sudan and with Chad. This joins our African effort, which is a big effort, and we look forward to strengthening the ties between Israel and Malawi in agriculture, health, cybersecurity, every area that I think lends itself to cooperation.
    “I welcome you in the spirit of cooperation and friendship. Welcome. Please convey my best wishes to the president. I look forward to seeing him here in the Malawi embassy in Jerusalem. As we say, 'Next year in Jerusalem'."