PM Netanyahu meets with Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani

PM Netanyahu meets with Gujarat Chief Minister

  •   PM Netanyahu meets with Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani
    ​​The two discussed the continued strengthening of relations between the two countries. Gujarat Chief Minister Rupani expressed great interest in Israeli water, agriculture and cyber technologies.
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    PM Netanyahu with the Chief Minister of the Indian State of Gujarat, Vijay Rupani PM Netanyahu with the Chief Minister of the Indian State of Gujarat, Vijay Rupani Copyright: GPO/Haim Zach

    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, today (Thursday, 28 June 2018), at the Prime Minister's Office in Jerusalem, met with the Chief Minister of the Indian State of Gujarat, Vijay Rupani, and welcomed him to Israel, his first visit outside India since taking up office. The Prime Minister conveyed greetings to his friend, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
    The two discussed the continued strengthening of relations between the two countries. Gujarat Chief Minister Rupani expressed great interest in Israeli water, agriculture and cyber technologies.
    Prime Minister Netanyahu:
    "We believe in this alliance between Israel and India, and it was tremendously enhanced by Prime Minister Modi’s visit to Israel. I was pleased to be in Gujarat, and now I’m pleased that Gujarat is in Israel."