PM Lapid's remarks at the state memorial ceremony for those who fell in Operation Protective Edge

PM Lapid's remarks at the state memorial ceremony

  •   PM Lapid's remarks at the state memorial ceremony for those who fell in Operation Protective Edge

    PM Lapid: In the war against Hamas, a brutal and murderous terrorist organization, we are not only right but we are also strong. The best army in the Middle East and the most advanced technology alongside our economic and diplomatic prowess – these guarantee our security.



    Following are Prime Minister Yair Lapid's remarks at the state memorial ceremony for those who fell in Operation Protective Edge, today (Sunday, 10 July 2022), at Mt. Herzl in Jerusalem:
    "Eight years have passed since those trying fifty days of Operation Protective Edge, when the IDF fought in Gaza. 
    “During those fifty days, our forces inflicted severe damage to terrorist infrastructure, but we also sustained heavy losses on the frontlines and the homefront. 
    “In the war against Hamas, a brutal and murderous terrorist organization, we are not only right but we are also strong. The best army in the Middle East and the most advanced technology alongside our economic and diplomatic prowess – these guarantee our security.
    “I was a cabinet member during Operation Protective Edge. Nothing prepares you for that moment when you send forces into battle. Every soldier who did not return home is etched onto our souls. We have a sacred obligation to bring home our fallen soldiers, Hadar Goldin and Oron Shaul for burial.
    “The State of Israel, generation after generation, owes its security to its heroes: to the seventy fallen soldiers of Operation Protective Edge, to each of the fallen soldiers of “Israel's wars, and to those who fought ferociously and got to return home safely as well. They are the true Defensive Shield, they are our Iron Dome. 
    “In the past year, the Israeli government adopted a zero-tolerance policy when it comes to terror from Gaza. Any hostile activity was met with an immediate response that made it very clear to the enemy - don’t test us. 
    “This policy was carried out professionally by the security forces and has proven itself. Things that seemed inevitable, such as incendiary balloons, suitcases filled with cash, and sporadic gunfire from Gaza - were brought to almost a complete halt. 
    “To prevent the next Operation Protective Edge, the State of Israel must adhere to two principles: The first is zero-tolerance for terrorism, zero containment of shootings or attacks against Israelis. Those who come to kill us, we will rise up and kill them first. 
    “The second principle is that we need to make the civilian population in Gaza realize that they can live a different life. To pressure Hamas to stop shooting at Israel. To that end, we have increased the number of permits for working in Israel that are issued to the residents of Gaza, and we continue to promote the 'Economy for Security' plan.
    “For a long time, the only two options on the table were occupying Gaza or endless rounds of fighting. Our job is to find better solutions. The IDF's strength enables us freedom of action in Gaza, but also economic and diplomatic freedom of action. 
    “Fighting terrorism is not a political issue. On the battlefield and in cemeteries, there is no right or left. It is not important who is secular or religious, Druze or Jewish. We all stand together against Hamas. 
    “Out of our deep pain for our fallen soldiers, we need to grow together as one nation. The fallen soldiers of Operation Protective Edge did not die only for Israeli society to break apart from within. The best way to commemorate them is to remember the cause for which they sacrificed their lives: security for every citizen and a great, strong and united State of Israel. 
    “Our enemies must know that we stand together against them; that Israeli society is stronger than any disagreement; that Israel’s strength lies in unity; in life and death, no one can divide us. 
    “If we can die for each other, we must know how to live for each other. If we can fight the enemy together, we should be able to fight together for a common good. 
    “On this day, in these times, when domestic divisions and rifts threaten Israeli society, I look around this cemetery and remind us all - that the things that bind us together are greater than those that set us apart. Our strength is in our unity.
    “Thank you very much."