PM Bennett meets with Colombian President Ivan Duque

Meeting with Colombian President Ivan Duque

  •   PM Bennett meets with Colombian President Ivan Duque
    ​PM Bennett and President Duque discussed bilateral cooperation in climate innovation. The leaders also discussed common security challenges, especially the Iranian threat. 
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    PM Bennett with Colombian President Ivan Duque PM Bennett with Colombian President Ivan Duque Copyright: GPO/Haim Zach

    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)

    Prime Minister Naftali Bennett met with Colombian President Ivan Duque at the Prime Minister's Office in Jerusalem, today (Monday, 8 November 2021). 
    Religious Services Minister Matan Kahane participated in the expanded meeting.
    Prime Minister Bennett and President Duque, who is visiting on the occasion of the opening of the Colombian innovation office in Israel, discussed bilateral cooperation in climate innovation. The leaders also discussed common security challenges, especially the Iranian threat. The Prime Minister thanked President Duque for the addition of Hezbollah and the Revolutionary Guards to Colombia's list of terrorist entities.
    President Duque told Prime Minister Bennett about his moving visit to the Western Wall; the Prime Minister gave him an ancient coin as a gift.
    Following are Prime Minister Bennett's remarks:
    "I am delighted to welcome the President of Colombia, Ivan Duque, to Jerusalem.
    “I can tell you that I found a friend, a friend of Israel and a personal friend. I want to thank you for your ongoing warmth and friendship to the Jewish people and to the Jewish state.
    “Over the years, the relationship between Israel and Colombia has evolved greatly, and having you here in Jerusalem to open the first Colombian innovation office is a sign that our relationship is growing stronger than ever. 
    “Technology and innovation can do remarkable things, not just for both our countries, but for the entire world.
    “We're honored that you chose Israel to be the first country where Colombia opens an innovation center. It marks another milestone in your legacy, Mr. President, of strengthening the bond between our nations. 
    “Innovation is only one of the various bilateral ties that exist between our countries. 
    “We spoke just now over lunch about the vast opportunities in the fields of climate, in security, in fighting terror, in the harboring economy and friendship between our countries. 
    “I want to thank you, Mr. President, for leading the strategic shift in our relations, for your heartfelt support for Israel and your friendship.
    “This morning, I believe, Mr. President, you visited the Kotel, the Western Wall, and I think that's a very meaningful gesture for the Jewish people, for the State of Israel, and I can tell you confidently that it's also going to bring you good fortune. There's a short communication line to the Almighty over there. 
    “Mr. President, welcome to Israel."