PM Bennett's remarks at the start of the weekly Cabinet meeting

Remarks at the start of the weekly Cabinet meeting

  •   PM Bennett's remarks at the start of the weekly Cabinet meeting

    PM Bennett: We are at the start of a new stage in the war on terrorism. Those who incite cannot rest easy. Those who throw matches cannot run away. The supreme mission of the Government of Israel is to restore personal security to the citizens of Israel.

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     Copyright: GPO/Haim Zach


    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Foreign Media Adviser)
    Following are Prime Minister Naftali Bennett's remarks at the start of the weekly Cabinet meeting today (Sunday, 8 May 2022):
    "At the start of my remarks, I would like to mention those who were murdered in the barbaric, shocking, terrorist attack in Elad: Oran Ben-Yiftach, Yonatan Havakuk and Boaz Gol, may their memories be blessed, and to convey our deepest condolences to their families.
    “We said that we would apprehend the terrorists and we have done so. This morning, our forces – the Israel Police and the ISA, together with soldiers from the Maglan, Egoz and Mirol [IDF] units – captured the murderers. The miserable terrorists, brainwashed with incitement who used axes to commit unimaginably brutal murders, were apprehended near a local quarry. Again, I commend the ISA and its Director, the Israel Police and its Inspector General, and all of the soldiers.
    “Capturing the murderers is not enough. We are at the start of a new stage in the war on terrorism. Those who incite cannot rest easy. Those who throw matches cannot run away.
    “The supreme mission of the Government of Israel is to restore personal security to the citizens of Israel.
    “We are advancing two very significant things. First – the establishment of a national guard. I have instructed the National Security Council, in coordination with the Public Security Ministry, to present the government with an orderly and budgeted plan to establish a civilian national guard by the end of the month.
    “The urgent need to strengthen the personal security of the citizens of Israel was born a year ago during the events of Operation Guardians of the Walls, mainly in the mixed cities, and it is more urgent than ever in the current wave of terrorism. Time and time again, we see the difference between incidents in which there was a responsible armed civilian in the area and those in which there was not. The need is great, especially in the ultra-orthodox cities, in which fewer people carry weapons. We are taking action.
    “The plan will be based on Border Police units, along with the mobilization of trained units of volunteers and reservists, who together will be defined as a national guard. They will be activated in emergencies and disturbances, and in routine times as well, as necessary.
    “The Israel Police is also embarking on an operation to deal with those present in Israel illegally, which has become a national blight. An entire industry has developed around the smuggling, transportation and employment of people present in Israel illegally, as we have seen, unfortunately, in the latest terrorist attack in which the person who drove the terrorists was brutally murdered.
    “Over the weekend, I instructed that an effort be coordinated – operational, legal and regarding infrastructure – against those who transport, provide lodging for and employ people present in Israel illegally. We will use all of the tools at our disposal – including the seizure of vehicles, fines – whatever is needed. All government ministries, but especially the Public Security Ministry and the Justice Ministry, are already working on it.
    “I would like to clarify here that there is no political consideration regarding the war on terrorism nor will there be. And of course, all decisions regarding the Temple Mount in Jerusalem will be made by the Government of Israel, which is sovereign in the city, without any extraneous considerations whatsoever. We certainly reject any foreign involvement in the decisions of the Government of Israel.
    “Of course, Israel will continue to respect worshippers of all faiths in Jerusalem. This is what we have done and this is what we will do. The united Jerusalem is the capital of only one country – the State of Israel. 
    “The government has many important items on the agenda. We are continuing to work for the benefit of all citizens of the State of Israel despite the noise and the many challenges. Look, sometimes from watching what goes on in the studios, one can think that politics is a game, another finger here, one less finger there. However, it is not a game but the life of all of us.
    “Our government needs to continue to work and function in order to deal with the security situation and not show the enemy, when he raises his head, a divided and quarrelsome country, like it was a year ago. 
    “The government needs to continue functioning so that the businesses that were hurt during the Omicron wave will be compensated, so that this year's celebration on Mt. Meron will be held safely and not end in tragedy, in order to continue fighting crime in the Arab sector and developing the Negev, so that addicts may receive help. All of these things will be submitted here for immediate approval.
    “Everything I have described, and much else, will become stuck and go awry in a situation of elections and chaos. Whoever has a drop of national civic responsibility needs to act to maintain and preserve this good government.
    “I expect and know that all of the parties and party leaders will join in the effort to maintain the government and have already done so.”