PM Bennett's Rosh Hashanah greetings to the citizens of Israel

Rosh Hashanah greetings to the citizens of Israel

  •   PM Bennett's Rosh Hashanah greetings to the citizens of Israel
    ​PM Bennett: I would like to wish all of you a good year, a good year for your families, for friends and – of course – for the soldiers of the IDF and the security forces. May you have a good and sweet year.
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    Prime Minister Naftali Bennett (archive) Prime Minister Naftali Bennett (archive) Copyright: GPO/Kobi Gideon
    ​(Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)
    Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, today (Sunday, 5 September 2021), on the occasion of the Jewish New Year, sent his best wishes for a good year to the citizens of Israel:
    “Citizens of Israel, we have many good reasons to be proud this Rosh Hashanah.
    “I am proud of our ability as a people to unite and join hands.
    “I am very proud of our new government – a government of much goodwill, a government that cooperates and is coordinated and balanced, that works only for the benefit of the people, and in which ministers do not bear grudges against each other.
    “I am proud that we fought for the livelihoods of the citizens of Israel and have reached the beginning of this year without lockdowns, in contrast to the previous waves in which the country was in lockdown. This was not easy, neither was it perfect, but with G-d's help, we succeeded. You can go to work or relax at home, in a hotel or restaurant, or arrange to go out with friends according to the directives. The country is open and this was not a given. It is still too early to celebrate, we have a long campaign ahead of us, but we take each step and deal with it.
    “I am proud of the two million pupils who returned to school and preschool a few days ago. We insisted on it. We created the conditions for it. We will continue to safeguard our education system and cultivate the future generation of the State of Israel.
    “I am proud of our ability, after years without a budget, to formulate a state budget, set long-term priorities, especially strengthening and building up our security, strengthening the health system and enacting a series of reforms that will lower prices in Israel.
    “I am also proud that we have embarked on bringing the ultra-orthodox public into the labor cycle.
    “I am very pleased at our efforts in the diplomatic sphere. We are strengthening the link with the US and with the President, and the existing alliance, and are laying the foundations for new alliances.
    “I am proud of the soldiers of the IDF and the personnel of the security services who work near and far so that the miracle called 'the State of Israel' may continue to radiate strength, and will continue to defend and protect the citizens of our country.
    “And mainly, I am proud of you, citizens, for placing confidence in this government and giving it your backing. I have also seen you on the issue of vaccines, going to get vaccinated because you know that the third dose will give you health and protection, and will allow us to open the economy. I very much appreciate this.
    “I would like to wish all of you a good year, a good year for your families, for friends and – of course – for the soldiers of the IDF and the security forces.
    “May you have a good and sweet year."