PM Bennett’s statement following the death of Al-Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu-Aqla

PM Statement: The death of Al-Jazeera journalist

  •   PM Bennett’s statement following the death of Al-Jazeera journalist Shireen Abu-Aqla

    PM Bennett: Israel has called on the Palestinians to conduct a joint pathological analysis and investigation, which would be based on all of the existing documentation and findings, in order to get to the truth. So far, the Palestinians have refused this offer. 


    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Foreign Media Adviser)
    Prime Minister Naftali Bennett, this morning (Wednesday, 11 May 2022):
    "According to the information we have gathered, it appears likely that armed Palestinians — who were firing indiscriminately at the time — were responsible for the unfortunate death of the journalist.

    “Palestinians in Jenin were even filmed boasting ‘We hit a soldier; he’s lying on the ground.’ (Click here for video.) However, no IDF soldier was injured, which increases the possibility that Palestinian terrorists were the ones who shot the journalist. 
    “Israel has called on the Palestinians to conduct a joint pathological analysis and investigation, which would be based on all of the existing documentation and findings, in order to get to the truth. So far, the Palestinians have refused this offer. 
    “IDF forces will continue their counterterrorism operations, in order to end the deadly wave of terror and restore security to the citizens of Israel."