Lecture at the College of Europe

His Excellency at the College of Europe

  •   Lecture on EU Israel relations in the framework of the Israel Belgium Week

    In March 2015 his Excellency Ambassador David Walzer spoke at the Israel Belgium Week of the College of Europe on EU Israel relations. A very engaged crowd of students showed a lot of interest in the topic and Israel in general.


    This lecture was given in the framework of the College of Europe's National Week where students present their respective countries with exhibitions, lectures, traditions and much more.  It was the second time for his Excellency to speak at the College of Europe. Israeli students also prepared typical food and organized a Purim event, one of the most joyous and fun holidays on the Jewish calendar that commemorates a time when the Jewish people living in Persia were saved from extermination with the help of Queen Esther.
    Cooperation between the College of Europe and the Israeli Mission to the EU has been very fruitful: A group of selected students was recently invited to an event by the Mission and the German Marshall Fund to the US and the Mission organized for many speakers to come to the College and give lectures.