Israel welcomes Czech Parliament’s decision to define Hezbollah and all of its wings as a terrorist organization

Recognition of Hezbollah: a terrorist organization

  •   Israel welcomes Czech Parliament’s decision to define Hezbollah and all of its wings as a terrorist organization
    ​FM Ashkenazi: The Czech Parliament's decision against Hezbollah is another step in the effort led by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to expand international pressure on Hezbollah.


    ​(Communicated by the MFA Spokesperson)

    Minister of Foreign Affairs Gabi Ashkenazi: “The Czech Parliament’s decision, which determines that Hezbollah and all of its wings is a terrorist organization, joins the decisions adopted in recent months by additional parliaments and governments in the EU and Latin America. The Czech Republic is a true friend of Israel. I thank the members of the parliament for this important decision, and hope that it will translate into additional steps.”

    The Czech Parliament determined in its decision that Hezbollah is a terrorist organization which undermines stability in the Middle East and poses a threat to democracies everywhere. The Czech Republic joins the parliaments of Austria, Germany, and Switzerland who recently adopted decisions against Hezbollah. The parliament’s decision was adopted a number of days after the Estonian Government announced its decision to ban the entrance of Hezbollah operatives to its territory​, and after the Guatemalan Government’s recognition of Hezbollah as a terrorist organization. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs is leading an interagency effort to increase international pressure on Hezbollah, and in the past year and a half twelve countries have joined the list of states that recognize Hezbollah, including all of its wings, as a terrorist organization. 

    FM Ashkenazi called on other countries and the EU to join the pressure campaign against Hezbollah, outlaw its activities, and recognize the organization and all of its wings as a terrorist organization.