Israel votes in favor of UNGA resolution

Israel votes in favor of UNGA resolution


    The UNGA resolution expresses concern over the emerging humanitarian crisis in Ukraine and condemns the Russian attack.

    (Communicated by the MFA Spokesperson)
    In a vote held today (Thursday, 24 March 2022) at the United Nations General Assembly in New York, Israel, together with 89 countries including the United States and European Union members, adopted a resolution expressing grave concern over the humanitarian crisis developing in Ukraine following the Russian attack against it.
    The decision, which received the support of 140 countries, condemns the Russian attack and calls for an end to the harm to civilians, an end to the violence, and a return to the negotiating table with the goal of finding a diplomatic solution to the crisis. The resolution also expresses grave concern over the humanitarian crisis developing in Ukraine and calls for countries around to the world to deliver humanitarian aid. The resolution also calls for an end to the damage to Ukraine’s infrastructure and for the protection of vulnerable populations (particularly women and children) and notes the inherent dangers that the crisis poses to global food security.
    The Israeli vote joins the clear and consistent position set out by the Israeli government and Minister of Foreign Affairs Yair Lapid. Israel condemns the Russian attack against Ukraine which breaches the international order, and supports Ukraine’s territorial integrity and sovereignty. Israel supports a diplomatic solution and is even acting to assist towards this end.
    In line with this position, Israel is transferring extensive humanitarian aid to Ukraine. Just this week, an Israeli field hospital was deployed in Ukraine, and is already treating hundreds of civilians. In the first week of the war, Israel sent an unprecedented 100 tons of humanitarian aid. In addition, winter gear has been transferred to refugees on the borders of neighboring countries. This assistance is provided according to the needs and equipment lists requested by the Ukrainians.