Israel at 74: A statistical glimpse

Israel at 74: A statistical glimpse

    General: Israel declared its independence on 14 May 1948. The Israeli currency is the New Israeli Sheqel (NIS), which is divided into 100 agorot. 
    Geography: The State of Israel is located on the southwest tip of the Asian continent, on the eastern basin of the Mediterranean Sea. It is situated at a latitude between 29° and the 33° north of the Equator.  It encompasses 22,072 square kilometers, of which 98% is land area.
    Population: On the eve of Israel's 74th Independence Day, the population of Israel was 9.506 million:
    7.021 million Jews (73.9%)
    2.007 million Arabs2 (21.1%)
    478,000 Others3 (5.0%)
    Since last year’s Independence Day, Israel's population has grown by 176,000 (an increase of 1.9%).

    During this period, about 191,000 babies were born, about 38,000 immigrants arrived, and about 55,000 persons died.

    At the time of the establishment of the State of Israel, the population of Israel was 806,000. Around the time of the establishment of the State, the percentage of Jews was 82.1% and the percentage of Arabs was 17.9%. 

    Since the State’s founding, over 3.3 million immigrants have arrived in Israel, about 1.5 million (44.7%) of them arrived since 1990. 

    Since the establishment of Israel, about 131,000 immigrating citizens have also settled in the country.

    In 2030, the population of Israel is expected to reach 11.1 million, in 2040 – 13.2 million, and on the 100th Independence Day of the State of Israel, in 2048, the population is expected to reach 15.2 million.

    At the end of 2020, about 45% of the world's total Jewish population lived in Israel. About 79% of the Jews in Israel are Sabras (born in Israel).

    The population of Israel is a young population: About 28% are children aged 0-14 and about 12% are aged 65 or over.
    Standard of Living: In 2021, gross monthly money income of households amounted to NIS 21,063; Net monthly money income was NIS 17,276. 

    Monthly average expenditure (including housing services) stood at NIS 16,475;  24.8% of the expenditure was for housing, 20.4% of the expenditure was for transportation and communications and 17.2% of the expenditure was for food.
    Consumer Price Index: During 2017–2019, there was an upward trend in the annual percentage change in the Consumer Price Index (after a decrease during 2014–2016). In 2020, the Consumer Price Index decreased by 0.7%.