Israel Under Fire

Israel Under Fire

    Over 30 rockets and mortars have been fired from the Gaza Strip at Israeli communities since Saturday. Rockets and mortars struck Ashdod (population of over 200,000), Ashkelon (population of 113,000), Gan Yavne (population of 19,000) and the Eshkol Regional Council, killing one person and injuring approximately 20, most suffering from shock. Several buildings, including a school, were damaged in the attacks.
    The latest escalation began after a Gaza rocket hit Ashdod on Wednesday, October 26. In a joint IDF and the Israel Security Agency, IAF aircraft attacked a cell of terrorists preparing to fire long-range rockets from the southern Gaza Strip. This same terrorist cell was responsible for the rockets fired at southern Israel last Wednesday. A commander of the Islamic Jihad and four of its munitions experts were killed.
    To read a statement by HR Catherine Ashton, click here.
    To read the full story, click here.