Israel-EU Bilateral Updates

Israel-EU Bilateral Updates

    On June 21, 2012, an Administrative Arrangement between the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) and the Israeli Center for Disease Control (ICDC), will be implemented. This agreement will enable the integration of IL in EU communicable diseases networks. The arrangement is welcomed by both sides as an important achievement of bilateral cooperation.
    A subcommittee meeting on social affairs, migration and health will be held between the European Union and Israel on 20-21 June 2012. This meeting will serve as an exchange of ideas and update about recent developments in policy and legislation between both sides. The topics for discussion will include issues such as: equality in employment, social protection, social security coordination, management of migration, developments in health policies and more.
    The sixth joint Israel – EU seminar on Combating Racism, Xenophobia and Anti-Semitism will be held this week in Jerusalem, and will bring together Israeli and European diplomats and experts in order to discuss means and ways to combat these phenomena. The main items for discussion will include: data and trends in Racism and Anti-Semitism in the EU and Israel; combating hateful rhetoric on the internet, preventing racist discrimination in the workplace; and Holocaust Remembrance. The State of Israel attaches great importance to this dialogue, especially in light of serious antisemitic incidents like the murder of four Jews in Toulouse and repeated attacks on Jews in France and Europe in general, and desecration of monuments in memory of Holocaust survivors in Europe. The European delegation will visit Yad Vashem to learn about the Holocaust, as well as the Knesset and the Supreme Court of Justice. This gathering is the sixth of its kind, and is indicative of the seriousness in which both sides see the need to combat the problem of antisemitism and racism.