Iran PM Netanyahus Remarks upon Leaving for Britain

PM Netanyahu on official visit in London

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    PM Netanyahu with British PM Theresa May outside 10 Downing Street PM Netanyahu with British PM Theresa May outside 10 Downing Street Copyright: GPO/Kobi Gideon

    PM Benjamin Netanyahu Meets with British PM Theresa May
    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, today (Monday, 6 February 2017), met with British Prime Minister Theresa May at #10 Downing Street in London, and made the following remarks:
    "Thank you, Prime Minister. Thank you for your warm welcome. I would say that it reflects the strength of the partnership between Israel and Britain. I know that all the people of Israel share with me the congratulations we offer to Queen Elizabeth today, the 65th anniversary of her accession to the throne. What you say is very true, there's a very strong bond between us.
    Behind my desk in the Prime Minister's Office in Jerusalem I have two photos, only two photos:  One is of Theodor Herzl, the founder of our national movement and our modern Moses, and the other is of Winston Churchill. And these two leaders personify our commitment to the values of freedom and our common civilization. These values create for us great opportunities. Our cooperation in trade and in technology, I think, makes our people more prosperous. Our cooperation in security, including cyber security, makes our people safer, and I hope to have the opportunity to discuss how we can strengthen that cooperation to make our people still safer and still more prosperous.
    Equally, we face challenges, very clear, from militant Islam and especially from Iran. Iran seeks to annihilate Israel. It says so openly. It seeks to conquer the Middle East. It threatens Europe; it threatens the West; it threatens the world. And it offers provocation after provocation. That's why I welcome President Trump's insistence on new sanctions against Iran. I think other nations should follow soon, certainly responsible nations.
    And I’d like to talk to you on how we can ensure that Iran's aggression does not go unanswered. Equally, I want to assure you that we share with you the desire for peace and this is our dream from day one. And we will never give up on our quest for peace with all of our neighbors. I think there are challenges there but there are some new and interesting opportunities because of these regional and global changes. And I'd like to discuss that with you.
    I, again, thank you for you warm welcome and I thank you for your commitment to the powerful friendship between Britain and Israel."

    Iran: PM's Remarks upon Leaving for Britain

    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, yesterday (Sunday, 5 February), made the following remarks upon leaving for Britain where he will meet with British Prime Minister Theresa May:
    "We are in a period of diplomatic opportunities and challenges. The opportunities stem from the fact that there is a new administration in Washington, and a new government in Britain. I intend to speak with both of them about tightening relations, between each side and Israel and trilaterally. This is what I will do next week in Washington and in London tomorrow. The challenges stem from the fact the Iranians also understand what I have just said. They are trying to test the boundaries with extraordinary aggression, gall and defiance. I think that the most important thing at the moment is that countries like the US, which will take the lead, Israel and the UK line up together against Iran's aggression and set clear limits to it. This will be the first issue, among many, that I will discuss with UK Prime Minister Theresa May and, of course, with Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson."