Hamas Al Aqsa television channel declared a terrorist organization

Hamas Al Aqsa television channel

  •   Hamas Al Aqsa television channel declared a terrorist organization
    The decision follows a recommendation by the ISA and the Defense Ministry national anti-economic terrorism unit.
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    MFA Spokesperson announcement MFA Spokesperson announcement
    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)
    Prime Minister and Defense Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, today (Wednesday, 6 March 2019), pursuant to anti-terrorism legislation, signed an order declaring the Hamas "Al Aqsa" (kanah Al Aqsa alfachaya) television channel to be a terrorist organization.
    The decision follows a recommendation by the ISA and the Defense Ministry national anti-economic terrorism unit, which was pursuant to the ISA's uncovering of the Hamas terrorist organization's use of the "Al Aqsa" satellite channel to recruit militants to its ranks.