First phase of the vaccination campaign for Palestinian workers completed

Vaccination campaign for Palestinian workers

  •   First phase of the vaccination campaign for Palestinian workers completed
    The campaign, which began two weeks ago, has concluded with great success and with a high rate of response from the workers.
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    Vaccination campaign for Palestinian workers Vaccination campaign for Palestinian workers Copyright: COGAT Spokesperson's Office
    ​(Communicated by the COGAT Spokesperson's Office)

    The first phase of the vaccination campaign for Palestinian workers, which began two weeks ago​ under the leadership of the Ministry of Health, COGAT, and the Civil Administration, together with the Central Command, the Land Crossings Authority in the Ministry of Defense, and Magen David Adom, has concluded with great success and with a high rate of response from the workers.

    From the start of the campaign and up to today (Thursday, 18 March 2021), over 105,000 Palestinian workers who hold permits for employment in Israel and in the Jewish communities across Judea and Samaria have received vaccinations at the eight sites set up at the crossings and the five sites opened in the industrial zones of the Jewish communities across Judea and Samaria.

    In another two weeks (on April 4), as the final phase of the campaign starts, the various vaccination sites will reopen at the crossings and industrial zones in Judea and Samaria to administer the second dose of vaccine, for which the workers received appointments at the time of their first dose.

    The Head of the Civil Administration, Brigadier General Fares Atila: "Over the last two weeks, we have worked intensively for the sake of a successful vaccination campaign among the Palestinian workers in Judea and Samaria, which is a national interest of the first order. Today, we can sum up the campaign with the impressive figure of more than 100 thousand vaccinated workers. I salute the workers for their responsiveness and willingness, which helped us achieve another step toward halting the spread of COVID-19 in our region. This is meaningful news for the Israeli and the Palestinian public health and economy alike. The Civil Administration will continue leading energetic efforts, together with all the other parties, to preserve health, safety, and economic wellbeing among the residents of the area."