Excerpt from PM Netanyahu’s remarks at the Begin Heritage Center

PM Netanyahu’s remarks at the Begin Heritage Cente

  •   Excerpt from PM Netanyahu’s remarks at the Begin Heritage Center
    ​​Israel’s policy has not changed since Begin. Israel will not allow regimes that seek our annihilation to acquire nuclear weapons. I believe that Begin exemplified for us the commitment to defend Israel’s security at all costs.
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    PM Netanyahu at the Menachem Begin Heritage Center event in Jerusalem PM Netanyahu at the Menachem Begin Heritage Center event in Jerusalem Copyright: GPO/Kobi Gideon

    (Communicated by the Prime Minister's Media Adviser)
    Following is an excerpt from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's remarks this evening (Monday, 23 April 2018), in Jerusalem, at the Menachem Begin Heritage Center event marking Israel's 70th anniversary, with the participation of Israeli and foreign ambassadors:
    "Israel’s policy has not changed since Begin. Israel will not allow regimes that seek our annihilation to acquire nuclear weapons.
    This is why we opposed so resolutely the Iran deal, because it gives Iran a clear path to a nuclear arsenal. It allows, over a few years, unlimited enrichment of uranium, the core ingredient required to produce nuclear bombs—and nothing else—and it also does not deal with the ballistic missiles that can deliver this weapon to many, many countries. This is why this deal has to be either fully fixed or fully nixed.
    I believe that Begin exemplified for us the commitment to defend Israel’s security at all costs."