Does Israel Really Want Peace?

  •   Ambassador David Walzer addressed journalists on the topic

    Photo: EIPA

    "Asking Israel if it wants peace is like asking a rabbi if he believes in God". That is what Ambassador David Walzer, Israel's Ambassador to the European Union told a group of journalists at an event on Wednesday, June 5, 2013. Organized by the Europe Israel Press Association (EIPA), the event took place at the Brussels Press Club on the subject of "Does Israel Really Want Peace?"

    Ambassador Walzer told the audience that unfortunately peace does not seem to be feasible at this juncture, until the Palestinians decide to return to the negotiation table. He added that a "one state solution" is not practical, nor is it possible.

    The Ambassador also spoke about the role of the European Union in the Peace Process. In his view, although the EU plays a key role, it could certainly do more. For example, its statements do not include references to Israel's identity as a Jewish state, a message which resonates in Israel. Unfortunately, he said, the European Union focuses too much on Jewish settlements in the West Bank, when it could be more influential if it chose to look at other issues as well.

    The other speaker on the panel was Ben-Dror Yemini, an Israeli researcher and journalist with Ma'ariv daily, who began his presentation with a historical overview of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. From what he found in his research, he believes the Palestinians think they do not neeed peace, as they see it as a waste of time.

    Regarding any future peace, the parties essentially know what it will look like: two states for two peoples, with the parameters being those laid out by President Clinton in the 1990's.

    To see highlights from the event, please click